Zoom away, Hess style

By Mir
November 30, 2009
Category Contests

Look; you show me a kid who isn’t delighted by the annual Hess Toy Truck offering and I’ll show you a child who is quite possibly in a coma. Even my daughter—who is as girly-girl as they come—can never resist playing with the lights and engaging in races between the little pull-back vehicles with her brother. They’re just plain fun. And if you build up a fleet of them over the years, you can have all-Hess tournaments. (Go ahead, ask me how I know this. Except give me a minute, because I have last year’s motorcycle jammed in my toes….)

This year’s Hess Truck isn’t a truck at all; it’s a giant race car with a smaller race car under the hood. Observe:

(Why, I can almost hear my husband and my son fighting over it even now.)

I just happen to have the 2009 Hess race car combo here, and one lucky Want Not reader is going to win it from me! Give it to your kid, give it to your husband; heck, keep it for yourself. I don’t judge.

Want to win it? First go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (that’s 8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 to be entered. Winner to be determined by random number generation and fuel efficiency.

Ready? Go!


  1. very cute! count me in

  2. I know it’s not good to beg, but Please, please, please!!! My 3 year old would LOVE this!!!
    Thanks and Happy Holidays!

  3. What a hoot indeed! We would love this!

  4. Oooh…we have bought the Hess truck for my son every Christmas since he was born…I would love to win one! 😉

  5. My son would LOVE to add this to his collection.

  6. My boys would love this!

  7. Count me in!

  8. Please. My 4 year old son would say “Tank you!”

  9. We LOVE the Hess vehicles at our house! Pick me!

  10. My son would love this. Love.

  11. Love it! My 3 yr old is obsessed with trucks.

  12. My little boy would freak out over this one! Count me in please.

  13. Cool! My husband would love this, and so would my dad & brother-in-law. They can share it Xmas morning…I hope! 🙂

  14. All three of my kids would fight over this. So I get to take it away – and play with it myself. Weee

  15. Vroom!

  16. Woohoo, we loves cars!

  17. OH! My boys would jump for joy if they had these cool race cars

  18. We would love this! I have 2 boys (and a husband) who would have so much fun!

  19. What a great giveaway, my kids will love it!

  20. Ooh, fun! We don’t have a Hess collection yet. How random!

  21. Yep — my son would pretty much flip over that. 🙂

  22. Son would be in heaven!

  23. pick me, choose me. . . please.

  24. Any of my four boys would LOVE this!! 🙂

  25. Ok, so it’s my big kid that’s obsessed with anything with wheels- my hubby would love this!

  26. I don’t know who’d love it more, my husband, my toddler or me!!

  27. Sounds great!

  28. Hess is my maiden name so we always had these toys around growing up. Lots of fun stuff!

  29. Oh, this would be PERFECT for my 3yo (and hubby)!

  30. Nice! Thanks!

  31. We would love this!

  32. I buy this for my son every year and would love to score one for free this year. Thanks!

  33. We have to get 2 every year so that my boys don’t fight over it. This would save us some money only getting one!

  34. With 3 boys, this would be great!

  35. My 4 year old is a truck and car FANATIC!!

  36. Oh wow! That is too cool!!!

  37. Awesome! Thanks!

  38. The mother of a friend of my husband’s used to give him (my husband) the Hess truck every year for Christmas, but she hasn’t done that in years. It would be so awesome to surprise him with one this year!

  39. oooh, I LOVE this prize….would thrill my child to no end to get this. Thanks, pretty Mir!

  40. My son LOVES the HESS trucks!! Hope I win !

  41. Wow…look like fun!


  42. This would make a great gift for one of my several nephews!

  43. Oh, boy, this sounds cool!

  44. My son would love it!!

  45. Looks like a super fun time!

  46. Love it!

  47. YAY!

  48. Two boys in my house – they’d love it!

  49. Sweet! Thanks, Pretty Mir.

  50. All boys in our house! Thanks for the chance.

  51. We’d love this!

  52. Since I will likely be spending all of my money on legos…

  53. My little girl would love this.

  54. Pick me! 🙂

  55. My son would have a stroke over this! Thanks!

  56. Zoom Zoom! Count me in!

  57. Ohhh, we LOVE the Hess trucks! Not living mear one I have to find them online. We have most of them from the past 10 or so years! They are GREAT!

  58. This sounds cool. I have never heard of it before.

  59. Wow!

  60. I would love to win this for my little brother. My grandma always got him one for Christmas, and she passed away last spring…

  61. Oh how fun! I know of a certain little boy who would love one…

  62. I have a little vehicle lover. This would be great!

  63. my inlaws HAVE picked up a few Hess trucks at yard sales and my son LOVES them! so this would be wonderful for him!!!

  64. My 54 year old would love this!

  65. My son, even at 13, still has this on his list. He has a parade of all the vehicles each Christmas night. My mom started the tradition, and my brother or I have done it since she passed away. Times are tight this year – this would help!

  66. I have never seen these before! I would love to win one for my three-year-old. Thanks!

  67. I would be so thrilled to give this to my hubby!!! Thanks for all the deals.

  68. WOW! Count me in!!

  69. toys for boys bring much household joys

  70. We love these! Count me in.

  71. Two boys here, one of whom is a kid and the other a kid-at-heart, that would love this!

  72. I’m in!

  73. Very cool….my husband and son would love them!

  74. My husband gets one every year!! Do do boys ever get too old for toys??

  75. My 4 year old twin boys would love this! Thanks!

  76. Thanks Mir!

  77. Fun stuff! Thanks! Jessica

  78. Really cool cars, my son would love them! Thanks!

  79. cool, thanks!

  80. I would love to win this for my youngest son.

  81. Oh, we have the Hess truck and motorcycles from a few years back and my son loves them! Would love to have these too. Thanks!

  82. The Hess trucks are great!

  83. Ready…Set…Race!! Woohoo!

  84. I must win this, this would keep my husband busy for hours!

  85. we would love this!

  86. me! me!

  87. too cool! my five year old would love this.

  88. My three-year-old son just informed me that he is “all about the cars this year”, so how could I NOT enter?

    Thanks, Mir! Thanks, Hess racecars!

  89. Awesome prize, Mir. I’m in!

  90. My sons would LOVE this!!

  91. please please me

  92. My husband would love this! Oh, and the kids, too.

  93. the whole family would love this!

  94. We love the Hess fire trucks. This would be great. Thanks!

  95. Hess — wimpy name, great truck.

  96. adorable!

  97. Ooh… How ’bout I give it to my nephew?

  98. Amazing! I love finding new things. This would definitly make a wonderful gift for my son.

  99. Fun, fun, fun!

  100. So perfect!

  101. My little nephew is oblivious to all around him whilst playing with any car or truck. This one just might send him into the twilight zone.

  102. My son and husband would LOVE this as a gift!

  103. shweet.

  104. The boys in my life (husband included, natch) would lurrrrve this!!

  105. This would be a great gift!!

  106. My bf has collected HESS Trucks since he was a kid, I would love to win this for him…ok & a lil for myself too 😉

  107. Oh my boys LOVE these and there are no Hess stations around here. Pick me please!!

  108. Neat! That company is in the same building complex where I work, I wonder if they sell the toys here? If not winning one woudl be better!

  109. I love the Hess trucks!

  110. My husband and son would LOVE this!

  111. Zoom, zoom, zoom. Count me in.

  112. My 3 yr old would love this. Pick me please.

  113. I have a little boy who would LOVE that!

  114. This would be great!

  115. We don’t have Hess stations in the midwest – this would be a great gift to add to my son’s pile… thanks for the contest!

  116. I have 4 boys here who would love to fight over these.

  117. Yes! Count me in. My sons have been telling me how awesome this looks.

  118. It’s been a while. I have two boys, a husband and a new son-in-law who would love these cars!

    Thanks for the chance.

  119. my boy genius would LOVE this.

  120. How is it that I’ve never heard of these? Show us the light!

  121. My son would LOVE this!

  122. I got my first hess truck in 1974. I have been getting them for my girls ever since. Sometimes they are very hard to find.

  123. Awesome.. My little guy would love it!!

  124. I have a houseful of boys who would love this!

  125. awesome! pick me!

  126. My 7 year old son and I would love this!

  127. Very cool!

  128. My son still plays with last years Hess truck(s) almost every day, he would love this!

  129. PPPllleeeeaaaassssseeeee pick me! 🙂

  130. I have 2 boys who would go berserk if Santa brought this to them!!

  131. Hope I am the lucky one; I have a 5 year old boy who would be thrilled with this!

  132. We buy one every year for my son. He still loves them at 8 year’s old.

  133. You’re the best, Mir… Such fun giveaways!

  134. Sounds great!

  135. this would make a great new BIG BRO gift for my 3 year old!!

  136. Why do I want to play with it? Looks fun, thanks!

  137. How cool. I would love this for my nephew.

  138. Great Gift!

  139. Oh Good God, my 4-year-old son would think he’d died and gone to heaven. Enter me!

  140. My son would go crazy! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  141. My son loves that commercial and would love the cars!

  142. Very neat. I would love for my kids to be able to fight over these. 😉

  143. Me!!!

  144. entering! Thanks, Mir!

  145. I bet my son would love this, once he’s a little older!

  146. If I win this prize, my race loving family could start a new tradition by getting our first this year!

  147. Wow! All of my boys would love it!

  148. Fun!

  149. Sounds awesome!

  150. WE’ve got almost every Hess truck they made! Would love this one too.

  151. My 3-yo son would LOVE this!

  152. Please pick me!

  153. sounds like fun!

  154. My daughter loves the Hess truck, too!

  155. Ohhh, it looks so cool! My son and hubby would love this!

  156. sweet. I’d play with this myself! But I’d share with my son too.

  157. I’m not sure about my fuel efficiency, but I’d still love to have this!

  158. Awesome!!! I love these cars!

  159. FIRST! Ha, getting way too old to be fast to these any more. 😉 Would love to pretend I am fast though ~ by playing this, with the kids of course! 😀

    Thanks, Mir!

  160. Oh, I have two boys who would love it!

  161. My little boy would love, love love this! Thank you for doing this.

  162. Gotta love the Hess vehicles!

  163. OHHHH….my 2 year old LOVE cars!!!! Hmmmm….

  164. The six kids in my family will love it.

  165. My wife, a single mother of three kids, would love to get this for her two “boys”.

  166. Please oh please! We shopped at big lots for Christmas this year. My little (and big) boy(s) would LOVE it.

  167. cars are good

  168. Fun! Thanks!

  169. Dang it! We’d never heard of it before so I clicked the video to watch it and my 5 yr old heard it. Blast you for being so pretty and wonderful!

  170. Husband can have the big one and son can have the small one. Thanks!

  171. my boy genius would love this

  172. Um, I must have been living under a rock. I’ve never heard of these. My boys would LOVE it.

  173. Fancy!

  174. looks so cool!

  175. little boy needs this


  177. Take me to the races!

  178. Sounds perfect for one of my three boys. Now which one should have it???

  179. I would be the coolest mom/wife ever if I won this!

  180. Sounds fun!!

  181. Love this!

  182. My nephew would love this!

  183. My boyfriend’s mother recently sent him out to pick up something for the kid she’d been assigned by her church to give a gift (I’m sure I’m saying that 12 kinds of wrong. Sorry!). He got an RC car, using the logic that if he was 10, that is what HE would want.

    If I gave him this, he would flip his lid. And then spend the day driving it around his mother’s cats. 🙂

  184. 1. What’s a hess truck? What’s hess, period? Obviously I live in a non-Hess-populated area.
    2. That racecar looks like good daddy/kiddo fun. I’m in!

  185. My son (and probably my daughter too) would LOVE this!

  186. Yes, I can see my husband and daughter fighting over this, too!

  187. all the boys in this house would love this as well as Mom!

  188. I have 2 boys…I need this

  189. Looks fun!

  190. Oh. No. This is TOO cool.

  191. Please!

  192. I have 5 boys. (And 2 girls). This will serve quite nicely to stir the pot during Christmas vaca. Thanks!

  193. My little man loves the Hess trucks!

  194. Yay! Shiny…

  195. My boys would love this!

  196. My son says he would like this a lot.

  197. I’ve never heard of Hess but I have 2 boys who I’m sure will love them…

  198. Looks like FUN!

  199. Oh this looks great!

  200. My grandson would “so” love to have this!

  201. Count me in please…

  202. Sooooo fun. =)

  203. My son would LOVE LOVE LOVE this – please?

  204. Oh so cool! Pretty please with sugar on top?

  205. My kids would LOVE that!

  206. My son would love this!

  207. Awesome – count me in. I’m going to research these, never heard of them and my soon to be 6 year old is car and truck obsessed 🙂

  208. pick me!

  209. I think that’s pretty darned cool! (And so will my 6yo son.)

  210. We have just recently discovered Hess trucks, but we don’t own any. If we win, maybe it will end some of the tears and screaming from leaving the trucks behind at friends’ houses!

  211. I think my son would totally love this! Looks awesome!

  212. If it involves cars, count me in. Both my son and husband would love this!

  213. How cool is this!

  214. These things are impossible to get if you live where I do. I’ve been wanting one for my nephew for years. Please pick me!

  215. My son is saying pretty please. Can you hear him?

  216. Yes, please!

  217. That looks so cool!

  218. OMG my son would drool!

  219. My son would love this! Thanks

  220. FIL Collects these – this would be awesome!

  221. please pick 222, we missed the motorcycle and i haven’t heard the end of it!

  222. As my daughter says, “super please” pick me Oh Random Number Thingy! We want to start the Hess collection for my son this year, and winning one would make me feel so good!!!

  223. Pick me . . .I have two boys (well 3 if you count my husband) who would LOVE this!!

  224. Pretty please!!!

  225. That’s kind of neat but I’ll give it to my nephew.

  226. enter us please

  227. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of these!!!!! I have 2 small boys and 1 very large boy;) that would completely demolish the house playing with this…. wait a minute why am I trying to win????

  228. Cool!

  229. Would love to surprise my husband with this !
    He and our grandson could play with it.

  230. For my daddy !

  231. Grandson would be excited !

  232. I want to win! 🙂 My husband and son would love it.

  233. My 2 year old son is obsessed with cars- count me in.

  234. AWESOME DUDE!!!!! We buy these every year… one to play with and one for resale in a great any years!

  235. We used to get these every years as gifts for kids in the family, but then all the Hess stations started disappearing around us and I haven’t seen any around in a few years. I’m in!

  236. That sounds amazing! You always have such great ideas. My little guy would love this. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  237. Oh fun!

  238. Very cool!

  239. I love it!

  240. yes, please!

  241. My 5 year old has this on the top of his list! (And for what it’s worth, last year’s version was a truck with a snow plow in the bed of it. Atleast it was in Florida).

  242. If I don’t win this I’m going to have to hunt one down.

  243. My husband still has *all* of the Hess trucks he was gifted as a kid. They’re slowly making their appearances as gifts to our son, now. They’d both be so psyched to get this one!

  244. My little cousin would love this!

  245. me me me!

  246. Oh! I have two nephews that would fight over this.
    Pick me!

  247. Wow, this is probably too cool for my kids, but hey then that would make me a cool mom. I am in.

  248. My grandkids would love to add this to their collection.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  249. Looks way fun!

  250. Looks fun!

  251. Gee, my kids AND my husband would want this…

  252. fun for all the boys in my family! girls too!

  253. Wowie I think my 4 year old would think he was going to die if we won this

  254. I’ve got a spot for it under the tree!

  255. Have every year since hubby was born…. That’s alot of Hess trucks! LOL Pick me!

  256. Fun! My kids and I would love this!

  257. My son would love this!

  258. OK. I don’t know how I have missed this for the last five years (how old my son is), but I never knew there were annual Hess cars! Guess I was too caught up in the girly world of my first two chilren! My little man would LOVE this – probably squeal actually – (he gets that from his sisters!) So I hope the number generator generates number 257 or whatever number I end up being after writing very long comment…:)

  259. Sounds great, count us in!

  260. Fun!

  261. So very cool. Sounds like we need to start a new collection.

  262. My son would LOVE that!

  263. Please! Please! My son would die of joy.

  264. Bad day made better by possibility. 😀

  265. That is just too stinkin’ cool!

  266. My nephew would love this! Thanks Pretty Mir.

  267. My daughter would love this! Thanks, Mir.

  268. My son is 4 and we have been getting since the year he was born – before he realized how cool they are! We plan on getting him the race car this year, but it would be even better to win it!

  269. Oh Pick me! Pick me!

  270. DD and DH would have to share!

  271. Wow! Looks fun!!!!

  272. Never heard of Hess, but it looks cool.

  273. It’s a tradition in our house to get the Hess truck every year for my son….so me, me, me!

  274. Hess must be a southern thing – I’ve never heard of it. But I have 2 young boys who would love to have these cars. (Maybe its time to start a new tradition)

  275. cool giveaway!

  276. We love the Hess trucks!! thanks

  277. That is cool! It would be a huge hit in our house for sure with the boys and girls.

    Thanks, pretty one.

  278. Love it, I have 3 boys who will love it!!!!!!!!!!1

  279. I have never heard of this, but I know we don’t have one and heaven forbid that we don’t have EVERY kind of toy car.

  280. My nephews would love this prize. Or…maybe….Aunt Jackie might have to test it out first???

  281. Count us in. Thank you!

  282. Oh boy!

  283. Woo! Have a Godson who would LOVE this.

  284. My tomboy toddler would ♥ this!

  285. My boys would love this!

  286. My son would love this…

  287. awesome!

  288. Ohhh my, this has my husband’s name written all over it. I’d love to be entered to win it for him for Christmas!


  289. WOW!!

  290. Very Cool!

  291. Very cool! Pick me!

  292. Pick me please.

  293. I want to win!

  294. My son would love this!

  295. Love it! I’d also love to win it.

  296. Grandson? Husband? Oh heck let them fight over it!

  297. I remember Hess trucks from when I was a kid…who knew they were still going strong? Wow, I’d love to win this for my son.

  298. What a great gift for my grandson!

  299. My son would loooove this!

  300. There’s so much out there that I never knew I needed until I saw it! This certainly qualifies!

  301. Vroom Vroom!

  302. My son would love this!

  303. We don’t have these in our area, but my daughter would love one if I won 🙂

  304. Would love to win the Hess car!
    Thank you!

  305. These look like something my nephews would love!

  306. I think this would be a fun gift to watch someone enjoy!

  307. VROOM!!

    my little buddy would say that’s awesome!

  308. My son would love this and it is his b-day tomorrow!

  309. We get one every year…win this one or no, it will be in my house 🙂

  310. I know a special boy who would love this!

  311. Gotta give it a go. 😉

  312. I’m embarrassed that as a mom of a grown son, I have never heard of these. But it’s not too late for my grandson.

    Thanks, Mir!

  313. I would get so many points from my husband if I got this for our son!

  314. I have daughters who like cars. Vrooom.

  315. My boys are crazy for anything with wheels. They would love (and subsequently fight to the death over) this.

  316. I would be a family hero if I won this! :o)

  317. I know a 6 year old who would profess his love for you if this showed up for Christmas.

  318. My daughter would love this! Thanks!

  319. I know a grandfather – and dad (that would be one and the same) who would love to have this toy to trump out on in front of his great grandkids and sons for that matter.

  320. The only thing that would be more enticing to my son would be if there were guns under the hood instead. Sign us up.

  321. Awesome! I’m in!

  322. This would be amazing for my kids! Thank you Santa!

  323. I have two boys who would love this. One is about 30 years older than the other.

  324. This would be awesome in a house with 3 boys!!!!!!!

  325. oh my goodness – does it come with a referee whistle so I can get them to share?

  326. Too cool. Count me in.

  327. I’ve got a little guy who would have a great time with these!

  328. My nephew would love this. Thanks!

  329. nice xmas present

  330. Oh please, please! My 4-year old nephews would really love these.

  331. cars!

  332. Forget my son! I want it for myself!

  333. Please, Random Number Generator, pick this number. My son wants this for Christmas.

  334. I never understood the whole guy fascination with wheels until my son was born. He’d love this–thanks for the opportunity.

  335. my children would SO love this!

  336. Count me in!

  337. I overlooked this and my kids, especially my almost-4 year old son, would love it.

  338. I overlooked this too. Oh pick me, pick me.

  339. Me!

  340. That would be a fun surprise to put under the tree!

  341. Awesome! Our WHOLE family would love that!

  342. would really enjoy this in our house!

  343. Sweet!

  344. Ooo…my husband and son would be fighting too! Thanks for the chance!

  345. Cool! Come on, random number generator! 🙂 I’ve been good this year.

  346. My son would love it!

  347. nice gift… ty

  348. That is very cool — my husband and son would have a blast!

  349. Ooh, my boys would love that!

  350. My dear godson would have a BLAST!

  351. this would just make my son’s Christmas! 🙂

  352. My two year old would love me forever!

  353. GoodNESS… that has my son written all over it!!!!

  354. My kid would love these!

  355. I have a two year old (girl) who would love this!

  356. Santa would be happy to have this to put in my son’s stocking!

  357. yeah

  358. I have two little boys who LOVE to race and would LOVE this! 🙂

  359. My boys would love it…and I’m a sucker for “free”!

  360. rrrrrrrace cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  361. Pick me….Please!

  362. The Grandkids would love the Hess Race Cars

  363. Zoom zoom!

  364. I almost missed this! How did that happen? I’m hoping for a high random number!

  365. Ooh, would love that one!

  366. 8 year old son would love these – have never heard of Hess, they must not be in our region.

  367. ooooh! pick me! pick me!

  368. My son use to get one every year from the grandparents but hasn’t in recent years. It would be great to win it for him!

  369. Pick me! pick me! pick me, pleeeeeeezzzzzzze!!

  370. 2 boys- 2 cars . . . perfect!

  371. got a grandson who would love this.

  372. Pick me!

  373. loved the commercial… pick me!

  374. I’ve always wanted to win one of your contests. Maybe this will be the one!

  375. My son would love this under the tree!! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  376. Forget the boys my daughter would love this. Pick me…

  377. Way cool! We have a Hess truck collection somewhere …

  378. vroom, vroom, vroom….too cool if it’s me.

  379. Oh! The boy would love this!

  380. Me Me..my husband has every one for three decades running.

  381. Both boys and my husband would LOVE to fight over this!

  382. My twin 2 l/2 year old granddaughters asked me for the Hess truck (racers) because they saw them on tv. I went to 4 stations and they’re all out, so I’m trying to win one on here.

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