Take a quick trip to Greece

By Mir
July 5, 2010
Category Contests

Is this thing on?

Hey, I just figured out that most of the country is likely still on vacation, today. I know, I’m terribly swift. Yes. So I’m going to take the opportunity to slack off a bit, myself, but first I thought I’d leave you with a contest.

Our generous pals at Hachette are stepping up once again, this time in celebration of Anne Zouroudi’s brand-spanking-new novel, The Messenger of Athens. Set in Greece, one review characterized the book this way: “This powerfully atmospheric mystery embraces Mediterranean passion, mythic meddling and patriarchal persecution.” I don’t know what that says to you, but to me that pretty much says “Perfect summer read.”

Five lucky Want Not readers are going to receive a copy of The Messenger of Athens just for being pretty. And for entering this contest. Want to play? First go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, July 8th, 2010 to be entered. Winners to be determined by random number generation and general mystique.

Ready? Go!


  1. I could use a new book and this sounds great!

  2. I’ve been looking for a good read.

  3. heck yes!

  4. I love free books.

  5. Ooh, me me me! Sounds intriguing!

  6. Books are always fantastic!

  7. Perfect book for upcoming vacation – pick me please!

  8. I love free books!

  9. My Mediterranean Passion quota is quite low these days. Perhaps this will solve the imbalance! Pick me RNG!

  10. I need a good summer read!

  11. The Greek half of me really wants to read this book (and the Swede/Scot half will come along for the fun.)

  12. Thanks!

  13. Sounds like an excellent summer read! Sign me up, please.

  14. yes, please!

  15. would love to win it

  16. First of all, GO HAVE FUN NO WORKING! And lastly, you had me at “novel”. 🙂

  17. Sounds like a good read!

  18. Sounds great!

  19. Me, please! I need more books this summer!

  20. I’d like to go to Greece if only in a novel. Take me away………………

  21. I need some summer reads!

  22. Indeed . . . a new book to read would be fantastic!

  23. Can always use a new book.

  24. Love books, I do!

  25. Can’t have too many books!

  26. Me please!

  27. I never turn down a good book! Hope you had a great 4th!

  28. Hope I win!

  29. Sounds like a good read! Thanks for the contest.

  30. I’m starting to stock up on vacation books. This sounds good!

  31. Totally good stuff.

  32. I’d love to read this!

  33. Books!

  34. sounds wonderful

  35. Count me in!

  36. Oh I’d love a free book. I never have time while I’m at the library with my 2 littles to look for something for me!

  37. Sounds interesting. Count me in.

  38. books are the greatest escape. count me in!!!!

  39. would love to win the book!it would be nice to get lost in greece without going there!

  40. Yay books!

  41. Ahh- a good and FREE read- Pick me!!!

  42. I can always use another good book.

  43. Sweeeeeet!

  44. You’re right: “perfect summer read” is written all over this book, and I can’t wait to read it. Thanks to Hachette for the giveaway.

  45. Desperate for new summer reading!

  46. pretty pretty please! Thanks!

  47. Oooh me!

  48. This sounds like a good summer diversion. 😉

  49. Books are my favorite prize!

  50. Hooray for books! Hooray for Greece! 🙂

  51. Thanks, Pretty Mir!

  52. I always love books!

  53. I’m always looking for more good books! I’ll have to check this out no matter what.

  54. I love new books!!

  55. What’s not to like about a free summer read?

  56. Hmmmm. Since I can’t go there, I may as well read about it.

  57. I’d love to win this, read it and then pass it on to my sister who’s going to go to Greece this fall!

  58. I hope I’m random.

  59. I need a new book, this sounds great!

  60. OOh yeah! I am always looking for a good book.

  61. Good book? Yes! Good, free book? Double-yay-yes!

  62. I can’t have enough books.

  63. That sounds awesome and this bookworm would love it!

  64. Yay for new books for summertime reading!

  65. I need a good book to read!

  66. always up for a new book!

  67. Just for being pretty? Really? You are so sweet!

  68. I’m always up for a good book!

  69. LOVE books!

  70. Sounds like a neat book!

  71. Lovin’ it! Go Hachette, random number thingy and Mir, someone’s gonna have a nice July read.

  72. This is the closest I’ll get to Greece anytime in the near future!

  73. I need another summer read.

  74. Love to read!

  75. I love to read. Thank you!

  76. New book. Yum!

  77. I want to go to Greece in a book, since I am not likely to go to Greece in real life any time soon!

  78. I am really in need of a good book to read. My stash is getting low.

  79. I’ve just burned through about 6 books in the last two weeks and would LOVE some new reading material. Thanks!

  80. Thank you!

  81. sounds great!

  82. Thanks, Mir!

  83. I need to read!

  84. Oh mystical number generator, I want this!

  85. please pick me!! 🙂

  86. Sounds like an interesting book!

  87. I’m Greek! And would love to read about Greece since I have still not been there.

  88. You had me at perfect summer read.
    But I probably need more mystique…

  89. I’m all about mythic meddling!

  90. Exactly what I was looking for! Just finished a fun little read and can’t bring myself to read anything too heavy until the winter… this would be perfect.

  91. Love me some good summer reading–thanks Mir!

  92. I could always use a good book

  93. I can always use a good read for in-flight entertainment.

  94. Mediterranean passion, mythic meddling and patriarchal persecution?! Sounds like a great summer read!

  95. ooh – Greece!

  96. Free mystery books are always a pleasing summer read!

  97. Me please!

  98. Too hot to do anything but read here…

  99. I so need a new good read!

  100. I want to go for a read and be pretty!

  101. This would be great!

  102. Me! I need a perfect summer read!

  103. And the exchange rate is probably good right now, no? Thanks for the giveaway.

  104. Sounds like a good one!!!

  105. I’m ready for a new book 🙂

  106. Sounds great!

  107. I am always looking for a new book to read. Pick me!!!

  108. I LOVE to read on the beach – thanks!

  109. I’m always in for a free book!

  110. All right, you talked me into it!

  111. Sounds like a great read

  112. Sounds like an interesting book! 🙂

  113. Sounds awesome! 🙂

  114. Me, me please.
    Thanks for the chance!

  115. Sounds lovely… thanks for the contest!

  116. Sounds wonderful and since I just took a trip to Greece, very appropriate.

  117. Yes, please.

  118. I’m always ready for a new book! (And a trip to Greece if anyone wants to spot me one… ha!)

  119. Books! Greece! Pick me!

  120. I want a new author to read!

  121. always up for a good book!!!

  122. Sounds like lovely train reading!

  123. Lovely

  124. Count me in, thanks!

  125. I am always looking for a new author to love! Especially one that won’t follow me home and expect brownies!

  126. You mean I could read something other than my mail? Nice!

  127. I do love me some books, although lately I don’t seem to have time to read them. Would love to win this!

  128. Pick me!

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