Hey, remember our pal Michelle, Scentsy consultant extraordinaire? She is extra pretty. We had so much fun with the last Scentsy giveaway, she’s doing it again, but this time… it’s even cuter. Seriously.
Meet the Scentsy Buddies. Each one is a cute, cuddly stuffed friend in impossibly soft chenille, and if that’s not enough (it kind of is), each has a hidden zippered pocket into which you can insert a Scent Pak. Now you have a cuddly friend who also smells divine. Awesome.
Does this sound like the kind of thing you need to have? Of course it does! And lucky you, my pretties, because Michelle is giving four lucky Want Not readers the Scentsy Buddy and Scent Pak of their choosing. (I told you she was pretty!) All you have to do is play along and you may be one of our lucky winners.
Here’s what you do: Go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, October 7th, 2010 telling me which Buddy and which Scent Pak you choose in order to be entered. One entry per person, and if you do not pick a Buddy and a scent your entry is not valid. Four winners will be selected at random to receive their picks!
Ready? Go!
Love all things soft and cuddly! Ollie the Elephant with Berry Blush!
sounds so comfy
would love the monkey with french lavender scent pack scentsy buddy
Aw, I love Roarbert the Lion (mostly for his name)! And Vanilla Suede sounds delicious. What a great idea!
I have to say this seems a little odd, but I love the Robert the Lion and the mochadoodle scent. Intriguing. 🙂
OOoooh Lenny the Lamb w/ vanilla cream scent!
Mollie the Monkey with Mochadoodle sounds wonderful!!!
Oh I think Roarbert the Lion in Mochadoodle should come to my house. Now gotta go buy something that smells good.
The little lamb with lavender!!
I’d choose Roarbert the lion, and the Vanilla Cream scent pack. This really doesn’t seem odd to me – the stuffed toy would stay in the kid’s bed most likely, and scent associations with young children are a good thing. They’re very comforting! I know my son would love Roarbert. 🙂
Have wanted to try Scentsy products for a long time – this is so cute!
So cute! I would love to give Roarbert the Lion with the French Lavender Scent Pak to one of my sister’s girls!
Oooh. neat. Mollie the Monkey with French Lavender. Cool idea.
I’d choose Ollie the elephant and the vanilla cream scent pak.
Roarbert the Lion and Vanilla Cream Scent.
I would love to have Roarbert the Lion Scentsy Buddy with a Hemingway Scent Pak. Thanks for the giveaway.
Ollie the Elephant with Sweet Pea and Vanilla – my daughter would love him!!
Penny the Pig in Perfectly Pomegranate. (Alliteration for the win!)
Would love Mollie the Monkey and french lavendar scent. Thanks for the oppty to win such a neat prize!
I would pick the Elephant and Perfectly Pomegranite 🙂 Thanks!
I would LOVE to give my granddaughter Roarbert the Lion with a Mochadoodle Scent Pak. Thanks Mir!
I’d choose Lenny the Lamb with the Pima Cotton scentpak. What a great contest! 🙂
Mollie the Monkey with Pima Cotton scent. 🙂
Lenny the Lamb with Pima Cotton scent pak please!
I know a little girl who’d love Penny the Pig with a Sweet Pea & Vanilla scent pak. Thanks for the opportunity!
Mollie Monkey with Pima cotton.
Does that sound like an entree’? hmmm
The elephant, if you please– with a little vanilla action… cause let me tell ya, things sure could smell better around here!
Sweet Pea and Vanilla and the Elephant for my little sweet pea, please!
Ollie the Elephant with cucumber lime. Thank you!
Mollie the Monkey with Pima Cotton
Do you think if I put one in my son’s room, it might help cover the smell of stinky boy? Because that would be AWESOME. I could hide it in his stuffed animal pile, sort of like E.T.
I would choose the monkey and a sweet pea and vanilla scent pak. These are too cute!
I would choose Ribbert the Frog with sweet pea and vanilla scent pack! Now who could think a frog was gross that was this soft AND smelled good too?!
Strangely enough, I’m a sucker for frogs 🙂 Ribbert the Frog would be my choice, with Vanilla Cream!
Ollie the elephant and vanilla cream please!
Do you think if I put one in my son’s room, it might help cover the smell of stinky boy? Because that would be AWESOME. I could hide it in his stuffed animal pile, sort of like E.T.
Let’s try this again, only following directions this time:
Ribbert the Frog and black raspberry vanilla
roarbert the lion with a lavender pak, in hopes that it would provide calming for my very energetic child. haha. and if that doesn’t work, i’ll use it myself with a glass of wine in order to deal with my very energetic child 🙂
Lenny the Lamb with a Satin Sheets scent would be lovely! Thanks pretty Mir and pretty Michelle.
Hi! I like Roarbert the Lion & sunkissed citrus. Thanks!
Lenny the Lamb and a Cotton Scent Pak – perfect for a baby basket (or room)
Oh I have to go with Mollie the Monkey and the Mochadoodle scent. Because who wouldn’t want a Mochadoodle Monkey? I might have to include a caveat to the child who receives it NOT to lick the monkey, but seriously…a Mochadoodle Monkey! ‘Nuff said!
I love the monkey and the lavender scent – really awesome!
Lenny the Lamb with Pima Cotton please!
The lamb and satin sheets!
Honestly, what could be better than a cucumber lime scented frog? Very little! 🙂
Interesting. We’d like the lion with vanilla cream, please. (Such an odd sentence! 🙂 )
My youngest fancies herself a PiggyMama and has many many piggies. So Penny the Pig, and Sunkissed Citrus.
I’d get Ollie the Elephant and the vanilla cream scent pak.
My daughter has been begging for one of these after her best friend recently got one. She would choose the cuddly, little lamb with the black raspberry vanilla scent pack. Maybe the lucky number generator will make her wishes come true! 🙂
Mollie the Monkey (or Lennie the Lamb) with the Havana Cabana scent. Love it!
ollie the elephant with french lavender for me! 🙂
We would love the elephant witj the vanilla suede scent
little lamb with the vanilla! These are the cutest!
Ollie the Elephant and Havana Cabana. Obviously.
Mollie the Monkey with the French Lavender Scent Pak would be awesome for my little not-such-a-good-sleeper monkey.
We would adore Lenny the Lamb stuffed with the sweet pea and vanilla scent pak!
Ooooh, the little lamb is adorable! Lavendar pretty please!
Oh, how cute! I’d like Lenny the Lamb with French Lavender. These would make a great gift!
Penny the Pig with Havana Cabana!
Oh the lion with Havanna Cabana please
Ribbert the Frog with Sweet Pea and Vanilla please!
I love the monkey and havana cabana – yum!
Lenny the Lamb with the Pima Cotton scent pak…heh – the source of wool smelling like cotton (like the chickens holding “eat more beef” signs).
They’re all so cute I can’t stand it! Because I have to pick just one, I’d pick Ollie the elephant with Cotton scent.
Lenny the Lamb and Sweet Pea and Vanilla, please!
Mollie the monkey with lavender would be my pick!
I like Lenny the Lamb (I’m a knitter!) and the French Lavender scent. If I win, do I have to actually give this to my child? 🙂
I love Scentsy! Ribbert the Frog with Mochadoodle would make a great addition to my family!
Although Roarbert probably wants the safari-ish Hemingway scent (scotch & gunpowder?), I’d go with cucumber-lime.
Ollie the elephant with Lavender would be great!
Definitely Roarbert the Lion with Pomegranate…..sounds divine!!
Lenny the Lamb stuffed with wondrous French Lavender.
Lenny makes sense, seeing as I sell hand-dyed yarn, and lavender is one of the few scents on this earth that makes me relax. (Look for me in any aisle of any store. I’ll be the woman shaking my fist at perfume/aftershave-doused individuals who’ve just passed me.)
I think Mollie the Monkey with the French Lavender pak would be a divine friend!
Elephants w/upturned trunks are supposed to be good luck so I will pick Ollie the Elephant w/a mochadoodle scent pak (just b/c I want to be able to say “mochadoodle”)!
Mollie the Monkey with vanilla cream please 🙂 These are so cute!
Mollie the Monkey with Pima Cotton scent would be great!!
These are great!! would love Ollie the Elephant with the vanilla suede scent!
Mollie the Money with Pima Cotton Scent and Penny the Pig in Perfectly Pomegranate These are really cute
killing me with the cute! roarbert the lion w/ french lavendar
Mollie the Monkey with Pima Cotton scent
Sounds soooo cute!!!! Thanks!
Roarbert the lon with Vanilla Cream, pretty please…oh please random number generator!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mollie the Monkey with Raspberry Vanilla scent please!
Hmm, hard to choose! Ollie the Elephant and Lavendar. Thanks for the chance!
Mollie the Monkey with vanilla cream scent pak, please 🙂
I pick Lenny the Lamb with the cotton scent. They are all so cute I would like any of them for my new grand daughter.
I would love Mollie the Monkey with the Cotton Pima Scent Pak! Thank you Michelle and Mir!
I would love Ollie the Elephant, though I might have to rename him Phillip Johnny Bob. And I would fill him with Sweet Pea and Vanilla.
How very sweet! The elephant with the French Lavendar please!
ME!!! I would love Mollie the Monkey (scented like perfectly pomegranate) to help remove the smell of Cooper the Canine in my kids’ room!
My house could use some sweet smells!
Awwww! Lenny the Lamb smellin’ like Mochadoodle sounds just right. 🙂
Lenny the Lamb with vanilla cream….. = 🙂
It would be a big help if my computer screen were scratch n sniff…
I’m thinking Lenny the Lamb with the vanilla cream scent pak, though I’d really love to compare the vanilla cream and the vanilla suede.
Mollie Monkey with Pima cotton
Oh, that sounds like a great addition to a kid’s room! Specifically, one of my kids’ rooms! 🙂 I’d pick Penny the Pig and the Sweet Pea & Vanilla scent pack.
I love the elephant, with Vanilla Cream please! 🙂
Mollie the Monkey with french lavendar please!!
Lenny the Lamb with Pima Cotton please! I love Scentsy!
Ribbit the frog and black raspberry vanilla. And I have to say those buddies are adorable!
I would like a Vanilla Suede Elephant please! How adorable!
I like the little elephant with the Pima Cotton scent!
Love the monkey and the camu camu scent.
I’d love Lenny the Lamb with a Sweet Pea and Vanilla Scent Pak!
Monkey with lavendar scent!
Ribbert the Frog with a Hemingway Scent Pack (because I have no idea what that smells like, but it sounds interesting).
How cute! We’d like a Roarbert with a Mochadoodle scent pack. It sounds yummy!
Molly the Monkey with mochadoodle!
This was so hard! I kept going, “Citrus. No, vanilla cream. No, black raspberry vanilla. No, citrus.” Then it was “Citrus…vanilla cream…mochadoodle…citrus…vanilla cream…mochadoodle…citrus…mochadoodle…citrus…mochadoodle…” How do I choose?! So I just went with alliteration for the win. 😉
Roarbert the Lion Scentsy Buddy with the Black Raspberry Vanilla Scent Pak!
Since there isn’t a bunny, I’d pick the lamb with the sweet pea and vanilla scent pack. Mmm. sweet.
monkey with vanilla cream please!
So hard to choose — but I would take the lamb and mochadoodle (I so wanted to scratch and sniff my computer screen!).
Oh, I would LOVE to win this for my daughter as my subconscious is already muttering worrisomely at me about IMPENDING HOLIDAYS…Roarbert the Lion with French Lavender ScentPak!
thanks Mir for offering these contests–you are sooo pretty!!!
Ribbert the frog with the Havana cabana scent pak.
Mollie the monkey is insanely cute and would probably be exceptional paired with the English Lavender! Thanks for the chance to win… I love Scentsy products!
Lenny the Lamb w/ Pima Cotton 🙂
Roarbert the Lion with a Mochadoodle insert would be a big hit at my house! Can’t enough Scentsy…
I would love Lenny the Lamb with the French Lavender! These are too cute.
Lenny the Lamb is so cute and would be great with a French Lavender packet. Thank you!
CUTE! Love mollie the monkey
Pretty Please? I love Scentsy but since I retired I cannot afford the product…..beggin’ now………………..
Ribbert the frog with raspberry vanilla please
A french lavendar monkey? Sounds terrific! Thanks
Ribbert the Frog with Vanilla Cream scent pak.
Molly the Monkey with sunkissed citrus. So cute. 🙂
I”m going to enter for a Lamb with a French Lavender. This is such a great idea Scentsy!
I like Roarbert the Lion, and I would choose french lavender for the scent. cute!
I think a vanilla suede Lenny the Lamb would be just lovely.
Manly men might prefer the lion with Hemingway scent, but *I* will go with the piggy with pima cotton scent for my little girl!
I’d love the lamb with the french lavender scent!
Love to put one on my bed, keep the room smelling good all day
Ollie the Elephant with sweet pea vanilla! What a great gift!
Ribbert the frog is about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! And cucumber-lime just sounds nice…
I think Penny the Pig in Cucumber Lime would be just wonderful. I think it’s her eyes.
I would love Mollie the Monkey and the Vanilla Suede scent pak.
Lenny the lamb and the vanilla suede scentpak. Love cuddly, smell good stuff!
I would love to with the Mollie the Monkey with a Havana Cabana scent pack. Wouldn’t that be devine?
Definitely Ribbert the Frog with French Lavender:)
I’d like the monkey with the black raspberry vanilla, please!
Penny the pig with vanilla cream, please. They are adorable!
How about the monkey with Havana Cabana?
Ribbert the Frog and Sweet Pea and Vanilla. What a generous gift from Michelle!
Ribbert the Frog and vanilla suede! Smells so good!
Mollie the Monkey in french lavendar will reduce my stress!
I would like Roarbert the Lion with a Mochadoodle Scent Pak
I’ve never tried Scentsy before! I would choose Molly the Monkey and a Black Raspberry Vanilla pak. Thanks for the constest Mir!
I would choose Ollie the elephant and the Perfectly Pomegranate scent pack.
I’d love a Mochadoodle Monkey!
I’m choosing Ollie the Elephant with the French lavendar scent pak. Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh, the lamb is so cute! And the vanilla cream is calling my name.
Thanks, Mir!
aaah! The cute elephant with berry blush scent….sounds heavenly!!
Those are adorable! I wish we could smell over the internet.
I would choose Mollie the Monkey Scentsy Buddy with the coconut lemongrass.
Aww, so cute! I’d love Mollie the Monkey with a French Lavender scent pack.
What a cute thing! Thanks!
So cute!
I’d love to win the Pima Cotton scent pack in the Mollie the Monkey!
I would love Lenny the Lamb with French Lavender Scent.
Ollie the Elephant with Vanilla Suede! So sweet, great shower gift idea!
Decisions, decisions. Love them all, but I’d have to pick Mollie Monkey with Pima cotton
How cute! I like the lamb, and the Sweet Pea and Vanilla scent pak sounds nice. Thanks!
Lennie the Lamb with Pima cotton would be great
I’d like Ollie the Elephant with a Sunkissed Citrus Scent Pak…. if it’s my lucky day! 🙂
I love Mollie the Monkey and Sweet Pea and Vanilla scent pak! Oh what a great giveaway Mir!! I love Scentsy!!!
I want Penny the Pig with a cucumber lime scent pak. But I think Mollie the Monkey is pretty darned cute, too.
Lenny the Lamb with Pima Cotton!
Such a difficult decision but I will narrow it down to the pig and frog.
*squeaks in just under the wire*. Thanks for the contest!!!!
Penny the Pig with Havana Cabana!!