A great big toy for your little one

By Mir
November 8, 2010
Category Contests

I keep saying the holidays are coming. I know none of us are ready, but it’s true. And this year I’m going to have a few extra special goodies for y’all as we get closer, but I’m like a little kid, you know, and I can’t stand waiting. Plus I have a really big box here in my office and I’m ready to send it someplace else.

So here’s the first super-duper contest we’re going to have this holiday season: I have a Fisher-Price Imaginext Bigfoot here, just waiting to go to a loving home. A loving home where some 3-8 year old will be thrilled to have a robot with big feet. (Want to see Bigfoot in action? Check out this video to see him being demoed at Toy Fair.)

Bigfoot’s suggested retail price is a hundred bucks, but one of you is going to get this one I have here for free. Just because I love you. (And maybe a little bit because I keep running into the corner of the box.)

Want to win him? Of course you do! First, go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, November 11th, 2010 to be entered for a chance to win. I’ll use the random number generator to select the winner, and then one of you can start attending to Bigfoot’s anger management issues.

Ready? Go!


  1. My son would love this!

  2. How fun!

  3. My boys would be so so so happy to find this under the tree on Christmas.

    P.S. I love your giveaways. Some of the other websites have so many hoops to jump through – additional entries, Twittering, etc, that I don’t even bother entering. Yours are so easy!

  4. Oh wow, yes please!

  5. who doesnt love robots????? thanks mir!!!

  6. My son visits this every single time we go to Target. And we go to Target a lot.

  7. My son would LOVE this – what a great giveaway!

  8. We have 3 boys here, and they would LOVE this!!!!!

  9. Oh my. Thanks for the chance, I think. The 3YO might be a little afraid. :>)

  10. My son would love this thing.

  11. oh my!! That sounds amazing! I know just the little boy for this.

  12. Waaaaaaant!

  13. My grandson would love this!!

  14. Ooo! I want this for ME! Oops, I mean for my nieces…yeah, that’s what I meant.

  15. oh please pick me! thanks for the chance!

  16. I have witnessed a few little boys going crazy for this guy on display at Target, so it must be cool! I suppose my little guy would love it as well.

  17. I have three “big” boys that would love this on Christmas morning!

  18. My boys already have asked for this!

  19. My son would love this!

  20. My son would absolute flip for this, plus it would really help out since we are strapped for Christmas money right now.

  21. Oh my word, this would make Christmas awesome for my little man! He always wants to go to Target so he can “push the button” on the Bigfoot display!

  22. My son has this on his list and I would love to cross that one off – thanks!

  23. My kids would love this. And it would drive me crazy. So…probably a win/win for them.

  24. Who knew? A bigfoot toy for $100. And I just happen to have a 3-year-old.

  25. My 5 year old would love this under the tree! I’m so hoping I get picked!

  26. My children always go find the Bigfoot when we are at Toys R Us. They would love this.

  27. It looks scary!! But my son wants it anyway. Thanks!

  28. ooo! How FUN!

  29. My son would love him!!

  30. My 3 year old son wants one of these so bad!

  31. Oh my goodness! It’s so fun! My 7 year old would be in heaven!

  32. This is perfect timing! My son has been on a Bigfoot/Abominable Snowman kick lately!

  33. Thank you!

  34. We could definitely use one of those!

  35. Just watched the demo in store with my nephew and couldnt keep him on his bottom in the cart! I was quite entertained myself! Love this contest!

  36. This is all my son has been asking for! Thanks for the chance to win!

  37. My little man would be so excited to get this!

  38. My little GIRL is actually begging for one of these!!

  39. This would mean one less toy for the elves to make, and more money in Santa’s pocket!

  40. I bet my 3 year old would love this.

  41. I want that!

  42. Oh! My son has been asking for one of those!!

  43. My daughter just told me she wanted this! Pick me PLEASE

  44. I don’t have boys, but I would be the best Aunt ever if I won this. But, which nephew to give it to?…

  45. This is cute.

  46. I have three little ones who would all be excited to give him a home. 🙂

  47. Wow, what a cool Christmas present for my 4-year old!

  48. My little guy, who turns 4 on Dec. 15, loves this thing every time we see him in Target. Wouldn’t he love to open this one on his birthday, or for Christmas!

  49. I’d love to give this to my niece!

  50. What a fun gift… my 6 year old would get a kick out of it!

  51. This would be an amazing surprise under the Christmas tree! Sign me up please!

  52. throwing my hat in the ring!

  53. I have a nephew who would love this.

  54. Someone special in my life would absolutely love this. Thanks!

  55. I’m sure one of my five boys would find a use for this!

  56. My little Big Foot would love this!!!

  57. Fun! My little boys would love love love this!!!

  58. My daughters would love this!

  59. My boys would have a blast with this!

  60. My youngest would love this too! 🙂

  61. kids??… I can work out my anger management with a toy? Love the concept!

  62. Yes!

  63. How fun would this be!!!???

  64. what a great giveaway! my sons would be thrilled! thanks, mir!

  65. My son would LOVE this!

  66. We go to Target and my son presses that red button SOOOOOO many times to watch this toy roll around and flip. Neat contest! Thanks! Hope we win! 🙂

  67. This looks great! thanks

  68. My 3 and 6 year olds would love this!

  69. This is my 3 year old’s number one Christmas wish. We were just visiting Bigfoot at Target today.

  70. awesome!! Both my kids had to visit him in his box at toys r us this weekend! My 3 year old daughter is the one who put this guy on her christmas list, but I know my 5 yr old son would be soooo jealous! haha

  71. My five year old saw this on TV and must have one! Once I looked it up and saw the price, I convinced him that asking for legos was a better idea.

  72. Oooh,. Joint gift for my two nephews!!!! Thanks!

  73. I’ve seen this at Target– and it would make a lovely present for our favorite neighbor boy 🙂 Thanks!

  74. Oh, my nephew would love this!

  75. Since they first saw him the grand boys have been want want want…..

  76. This would be a blast for my son! Thanks for the contest, Mir!

  77. My grandkids kept trying this out over and over at Wal-Mart this weekend. This would thrill them no end!

  78. Cute!

  79. We have to check this out every time we are in Target…how fun to have our very own!

  80. My little guy pushes the demo button on this toy repeatedly each time we go to the store! He would be thrilled!

  81. My grandson would love this! Thank you.

  82. Count us in!

  83. That’s so cool, he’s on my son and daughter’s Christmas wish list.

  84. My 4-year old daughter actually is obsessed with this each time we visit Target–she would FLIP!

  85. Wow!! That’s awesome…my kids would love it.

  86. Wow, that looks like a lot of fun! thanks!

  87. I just saw this yesterday and thought it would be great for my nephews, if not for the price tag… crossing my fingers for a win!

  88. My 3 year old grandson stood at Target and watched this guy go, pushing the button over and over. He was mesmerized. Had to pull him away! Would love to see how long he could play with it, without it being caged up at Target.

  89. My son’s been begging for this!

  90. Oh my my son would LOVE this!!!! Pick me, pick me pretty please!

  91. I have a 3 year old!

  92. I really would be excited to give this to my little monster. Please, pretty number generator!

  93. I think my little guy would love this. Then again, he may run screaming. Only one way to find out. Thanks, Mir!

  94. We need this in our lives.

  95. My daughter told me that she can’t live without this. 🙂 thanks!

  96. We have to stop and look at this every time we are at Target. (Which is a lot.) Grady would freak out if he unwrapped this!

  97. Everytime we walk past this display in the store we have to stop for at least 10 minutes. My little boys would LOVE this!

  98. Two little people in my house would go bananas over this! Hope I win!

  99. How funny! I have 3 boys that would find that a hoot! 🙂

  100. I know a couple kids who would love this. Thanks, Mir!

  101. Would love this!

  102. awesome!

  103. This would be perfect for my 8 yo son! Thanks!

  104. My nephew would love this!!

  105. Great giveaway! I know a 3 year old that would LOVE this.

  106. My son would absoutely love this!!!

  107. I’ve recently become friends with a woman who lives a few houses down. She and her husband adopted three boys in August, almost 3, 4, 6, and they would love this! I could give it to them for Christmas!

  108. My son would love this!! Though it might make me a little crazy…

  109. Sweet! My little guy would love this!

  110. My kids would definitely love this!

  111. My 2 year old saw this in Target and loved it!!

  112. We love having big feet living at our houseful of boys. He can come & stay with us. Thanks!

  113. My 3-year-old son would ADORE this! (Also want to thank you — as someone did earlier — for keeping your giveaways simple. I too have stopped entering most other giveaways because I don’t have the time — or desire — to do all the steps necessary for extra entries and figure that my measly one entry for commenting has no chance vs the 10 entries others earn). THANKS MIR!

  114. My 6 year old REALLY wants this. His mom, however, is too cheap to buy it for him:)

  115. MIR…PLEASE, just pick me this one time!! My 3 year old Mitchel would love this. And just to be sure, I think you meant by November 11th, not On November 11th??? Did I tell you you’re pretty today!

  116. My son asks for this every time we go to Target. He would love to find it under the Christmas tree!!

  117. I have just the perfect little boy in mind for this prize.


  118. The kids would love this!

  119. Yes please! My boys are also obsessed with this every time we go to Target. (Creeps me out, personally, but they love it.)

  120. Two years ago my son got the big TRex dinosaur. He saw BigFoot at the store this fall, and immediately his eyes lit up. I gave him the “I don’t think so look.” He looked so bummed. If Santa decided to bring Big Foot, I couldn’t really say no. Thanks for the chance Santa, um I mean Mir.

  121. I hope I win!

  122. OH my almost 7yo would LOVE this!!

  123. My boys say, “Pick us, please!”

  124. I’m not sure if _I_ want this thing, but I bet Jackson does. 🙂

  125. Although I have children, I admit to wanting this all for myself. Dude will get to ride shotgun!

  126. My son has been eyeing this for awhile. He would love it.

  127. My 5 year old would be thrilled!

  128. Super cool – my girl thought this was the neatest thing at Toys R Us this weekend.

  129. Looks not quite adorable, but lots of fun! Thanks for a great contest.


    clark.unccs at gmail.com

  130. You are setting the bar high! This is on the “what’s awesome for Christmas” list! My 2, 4, and 6 year old would looooove this! My 5 month old would love to be left alone so I’m sure this toy would take some attention off of her. 🙂

  131. My 2 boys would love to have this. They saw him at the toy store on Saturday and could not stop laughing.

  132. Oh, I don’t need to see the video. I have to stand and watch it go for 10 minutes each time I go to Target with my son. He would LOVE this!

  133. Another great offer!

  134. Count me in. Thanks!

  135. Looks like fun!

  136. My girls are enthralled by this every time we go to Target, too…thanks!

  137. With Christmas and birthdays for 2 kids within a 2 week period, this would be a huge deal!! My little guy is in love with bigfoot!!

  138. Cool!

  139. This is first toy that my 3 year old son has specifically asked for! I had no idea what he was talking about until he went nuts looking at a picture of it!! Hope to win it!!!

  140. This would make my sons, “chrimmas” as the 4 year old says it, absolutly wonderful 🙂

  141. My nephew would love this!!!!

  142. My son just circled this in his toy catalog (along with a few hundred other things…but this was one!)

  143. Just creepy enough that my daughter would probably love it! 🙂

  144. My three year old is way into “Wobots”…this would be perfect!

  145. My nephew would love this!!

  146. I wouldn’t buy it, but for free….I’d take it!! My 3 year old would love it, I’m sure!

  147. My 3YO would love this! Pick me magic number generator!!!

  148. My four year old would LOVE this

  149. I have two boys in that age category! Thanks!

  150. My four kids would love this. Thanks for offering.

  151. We saw this guy at the store recently and my son could not get enough!

  152. Oh my gosh what a wonderful Christmas present. You have the best giveaways! Thanks.

  153. My kids have been drooling over this guy at Target!

  154. My robot-obsessed girl would LOVE this creature.

  155. My son would LOVE this!!

  156. Saw this at Target last week. I think my 3 year old will love it!

  157. Wow.
    My toddler watches this big foot preform on the end cap at Target every time we go.
    I am not sure if having him in the house would be a good thing or a bad thing. Its so huge!

    Thanks Mir!

  158. Want!

  159. My 2 boys would go crazy over this!

  160. I’m in!

  161. Two little boys here…Sure it would be a hit!

  162. My daughter got a kick out of this at Target. Thanks for the chance to win!

  163. Is it strange that this toy reminds me of my hubby? Yet another reason why my son will love it.

  164. I am SURROUNDED by 3-8 year olds! This would be GREAT for one of them!

  165. This would make me the favorite Aunt!!

  166. He looks remarkably like my first husband.

    I probably won’t mention this to the kids.

  167. If I win I might regret this, noisy toys are rarely my favorites,m but they’re usually my kids favorites!

  168. OMG! The girls would go BANANAS if they found that under the tree! That’s what Bee has been saving for with her marbles in her Good Behavior jar. See? Karma/random number generator should totally pick me because trying to figure out what I will do when I win and I have to convince Bee to spend her full jar o’ marbles on something else is JUST what I need to blog about. 🙂

  169. YES PLEASE!

  170. OMG my 5-yr-old would be over the moon (and Mean Mom is not shelling out the $$$ for it)


  171. My boys LOVE to visit bigfoot at Target… they’d be thrilled to find him under the tree!!! thanks

  172. My four-year-old would LOVE this. He’s been telling me he wants “the big guy from Target” for Christmas, but I’m mean and won’t spend the money. Winning it? Means everybody wins. : )

  173. Oh, he’d love this – we’re so broke this year!

  174. I have 2 boys that would love to fight over this.

  175. This is already on my Jonathan’s santa list. This would make Santa very happy too!

  176. We visit this toy display every time we go to Target. Would love to find this under the tree!

  177. I would love to win.

  178. I have a house of all boys – this would be great!

  179. How cool is that.

  180. I have a son for whom this would be perfect!

  181. My twin girls would love it!

  182. Now this is very cool. The little guy will really enjoy this toy!

  183. My son saw this one on TV and it’s on the top of his list this year. Thanks for the chance to win!

  184. Clearly Sammy needs this. Consider me in!

  185. My stepson would love this!

  186. ooooh creepy lookin’. me likey! 🙂

  187. ok i really don’t want one, but I bet my youngest does!!

  188. I love this toy!

  189. Great giveaway, I would love to give this to my niece and nephew this year!

  190. Aweseome! thanks for being so generous!

  191. I know my son would love this… his twin sister possibly not so much!

  192. Oh my youngest would love this!!!

  193. Count me in!

  194. You could turn this zero into a hero (at least in my daughter’s eyes.) OK, OK, she doesn’t think I’m a zero, but the hero part for sure!

  195. very cool!

  196. my cubs would love to have this for their xmas angel gift.

  197. My two boys would love to torment their baby sister with it!

  198. Yes, please. (please, please)

  199. Bigfoot looks like an awesome toy! Something both my 3.5yo and 7yo will play with.
    Who am I kidding? Hubs and I will play with it too. We can even torment the dog…
    I’m crossing my fingers!

  200. Oh, I know a couple of kids who would LOVE Bigfoot! And a couple of parents who might kill me 🙂

  201. This is great and I could always use a little help around this time of year! Thanks

  202. I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to win this for a very special little boy I know oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I really want to win this!

  203. My twins would love this!

  204. Count me in! Kids have been asking for him already!

  205. I would love to win.

  206. *fingers crossed*
    Tight budget this year, but my 4 year old loves this toy!!!

    Thanks for the contest and congrats to the winner!!

  207. i know a boy who would love it

  208. Count me in! All the little boys in our family will love this!

  209. I’m feeling random…ly lucky today!

  210. Have a special great-grandson who would love this.

  211. I would love this for my 5 year old grandson…his nic name is Cave Man

  212. Really cute!!!

  213. Oh! The kiddo has been begging for that guy! This would be great!

  214. Looks like fun!!

  215. My 4 yr old begs for this thing everytime it’s on TV.

  216. My boys would love it if I won this one!

  217. I have to peel my son away from the big foot on display at Target. He would love this!

  218. My 7YO is nuts about this thing. I’d love to win!

  219. My nephew would be thrilled with this. Pick me!

  220. My son would love this!

  221. I have 3 boys! They would love this!

  222. My little 5 year old would love to stomp around with bigfoot and terrorize his older brother and sister.

  223. Wow – My granddaughter would this!

  224. My son saw this in a toy catalog this weekend and went nuts! He would love it!

  225. Wow Bigfoot is too cute. Pick me Please.

  226. 🙂

  227. 🙂 We would enjoy that guy 🙂

  228. Dear RNG,

    Please save me a hundred bucks and choose me as the winner for (in my nephew’s words) “DA GWEATEST TOY I EVA SAW!”. If I don’t win, I will be forced to pay for one of these to make me “the favorite aunt” in my nephew’s eyes!

    With lots and lots and lots of love <3,
    Dani 🙂

  229. OH please magic random number generator pick me. You are such a pretty number generator.

  230. It’s ugly! It’s huge! It will take up tons of space in my house!

    Ergo, my kids would love it.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  231. We’d looooove that!

  232. My 2 year old grandson showed me this at Target….he LOVES it!! What a great gift this would be for him!

  233. My son LOVES this toy and asks about it every time he sees it at the store but as much as he wants it, I do not see myself spending that much money on it. Maybe I’ll win it!

  234. Sign me up! I know a little girl who would LOVE this:)

  235. This would make me the favorite aunt of a niece and nephew!

  236. I don’t know who would be happier if I won this…my 3 year old son or his grandma who thinks my 3 year old son can’t live without this. Either way, win, win!

  237. Whoa. You’re not kidding about the big prizes. My kids go nuts when they see this in the store.

  238. I do think my nieces and nephews would ADORE this, and I also have a good friend whose son would probably faint if he saw this (that’s a good thing).

  239. My 6 year old is already begging for this from Santa. And Santa is under-employed this year 🙁

  240. My son wants this and we’re not getting it but if we can win one I guess everyone wins. 🙂

  241. My kids are obsessed with robots! I would love to give them this for Christmas. Pick me, please! Thank you.

  242. My son wants this so badly. I would love, love, love to win this for him. Fingers crossed!!

  243. I could use this to scare the kids….now THAT would be fun!

  244. I need this for my grandkids!!!

  245. My 5 year old has been begging for this. fingers crossed

  246. It would be for a niece’s son – due in January, her first baby — what a grand, loud, gift to give as a first time GREAT aunt! 🙂

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  247. Pick me please!!

  248. My kids are going to love you if we win this!

  249. ohhhhh how fun!!!

  250. This will make one little boy very happy!

  251. This is high on my son’s want list, and LOW on Momma’s gonna-buy list, so this would be awesome!

  252. My son just asked for this! Thanks for the great give away!

  253. My grandson would love this!!

  254. Wow, my son would love this!

  255. Oh, my nephew wants this so bad . . . pick me please!

  256. son is all about this guy! Thank you, Mir!

  257. My nephew would LOVE this

  258. My son would love this. Please pick me!!!

  259. Oh my, my nephew would love this. Thanks!

  260. Oh my gosh, my kids would love this! Thanks for such a great giveaway! 🙂

  261. My kids would love this (or be terrified by it, depending on the kid)! The only way they’ll get one is if I win, since I am a mean mommy who does not spend big bucks on Christmas toys.

  262. This is at the top of my daughters wish list!

  263. Is it strange that I think this little guy is cute? :o) I would love to watch my daughter play with him!

  264. My nephew would love this!

  265. My son would love this!

  266. You have the best gift closet!

  267. Neat toy!

  268. I have a loving home….Thanks Mir!

  269. The foster kids would really enjoy this!

  270. The kiddos would love this one!

  271. This would go perfect with Spike the Dinosaur!

  272. My 3 year old son would loves this!! he is obsessed with anything robotic.

  273. older son wants one! but it scares the bejeeezes out of the baby!

  274. Perfect for my nephew! I’d be his favorite (ok, only) Aunt!

  275. OMG, I NEED this. My son asks for this EVERY SINGLE TIME he sees the commercial on TV. PLEASE PLEASE pick me!

  276. Very cool contest, Mir! Thanks for the chance to win!

  277. My daughter circled this in her big book of toys. No princesses or Barbies for this girl. Just bigfoot.

  278. My kids are FASCINATED by this thing each time we pass it in Target.

  279. thank you!

  280. Oh man, my boys would totally love this!

  281. Pick me please!

  282. my nephew would get such a kick out of this!

  283. If you pick me, I’ll even tell him it’s from Mir…one of Santa’s prettiest elves!

  284. OOHHH! WE love Imaginext toys. My son would love this, he is a little monster every day.

  285. oh my gosh, love this dude! so will the boys!

  286. please and thank you!

  287. Perfect for my to-be-4-soon-year-old grandson! (Did that make sense?)

  288. Hi, I would be very happy if I could win this little montster for my little monster.

  289. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!!

  290. My three year old was standing here by me at the computer and saw the picture of the Big Foot. He screamed, “Mommy, that’s my FAVORITE toy!” Let’s just say if we win, we will win big with our little man! Thanks for the chance.

  291. so very cool!

  292. Looks like it would be the most annoying toy ever which means my boys would love it.

  293. wow. $100 of crazytimes. the kiddies will love it

  294. This would be fabulous!!!

  295. yes please! Both of my kids would love this toy

  296. This makes me giggle every time I pass the demo at Target.

  297. my 2 youngest grandchildren would love bigfoot.i,myself,thinks it is neat.i play with him every time i go to target.so when i heard about this contest,i had to enter.i am on social security and am unable to spend $ on anything but necessities.boy would i be happy to win!!!

  298. Ohhhh, you’d make my two year old very happy! Thank you for the chance!

  299. Sign me up!


  300. Great fun in time for Christmas! Thanks.

  301. love to win this guy…..

  302. My Aidan would love this! He goes nuts everytime he sees the display in the store!!! What a wonderful giveaway!

  303. You gotta love this little big guy! I know of a couple youngins that would just love to see this sitting underneath their tree this year.

  304. this would be an excellent gift for my son!

  305. Count me in too 😉

  306. All three of my sons would go nuts for this. Even my two month old! :).

  307. So many times have we pushed the demo button for this at Target. So many times. So very many, many times.

  308. Just under the wire!

  309. My sons would LOVE this one!

  310. My kiddos love to watch the demo bigfoot at Target! Great giveaway! Thanks Mir!

  311. My sons think this is awesome! Hope we win it so I don’t have to buy it! Thanks!

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