Regular readers know that I’m pretty serious about my coffee. For a long time my husband didn’t drink coffee, and so I used a pod coffeemaker to make my lonely cup or two each day. But then I won him over to the dark side and now I brew a pot every morning. Mmmm.
So when I was offered a free Tassimo T20 Coffeemaker I was a little hesitant; I rather enjoy grinding my own beans and having a whole pot at once, you know? But the Tassimo does things like make cappuccino with frothy milk, and I can’t do that with my regular maker. So I agreed to try it out.
Pros: Makes a surprisingly good frou-frou coffeehouse drink (cappuccino, macchiato, chai) considering that it’s not a terribly expensive machine. Makes drinks fast. Allows for everyone to have their own drink with a minimum of fuss.
Cons: The t-discs are much less expensive than buying coffee out, but more expensive per cup than just making a regular pot of coffee. Despite regular coaxing from my son, my Tassimo brewer has yet to dance like the one in the commercial.
The bottom line for me is that this won’t replace my regular coffeemaker, but it is an awfully nice supplement if I want something fancier or have a guest who wants decaf or whatever. I can see this machine being ideal for households where any of the following are true, though:
1) there’s only one coffee-drinker
2) there are multiple hot beverage drinkers who all like different things
3) the ability to go from “I think I’d like a drink” to “drink in my hand” in under a minute is key.
And, of course, if you’re getting the machine for free, it’s pretty much a win no matter what, right? Right. So I’m giving one away.
If you’d like your own Bosch Tassimo T20 brewer in black, first go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, December 30th, 2010 for a chance to win. Winner to be determined by random number generation and level of caffeination (mine, not yours). Heh.
Ready? Go!
i like coffee!
I lust for this…..
Oh yes please!
My husband would love it!
This was on my Christmas wish list, but Santa didn’t deliver. Arg!!
Awesome contest. This would be perfect for our family.
Free is ALWAYS an awesome option!!
Wouldn’t mind trying this out!
Coffee yum!
I really want one of these!
Would love to win one since I didn’t get one for Christmas! 🙂
Count me in!
Please. More coffee.
Yum – coffee.
I’ve been considering getting something like this for a while now. Free would be the best deal 😉
Me please!
I might be able to get it to dance!
I like flavored coffee, husband does not. This may be the compromise. We both like coffee. A LOT.
This would be awesome! Thanks for the chance!
Senseo pods are getting harder to find so I’d love to try the Tassimo!
Do you think the drinks are as caffeinated as reglar coffee? We have one at the office and I LOVE the convenience. But my office mate and I could swear we’re less buzzed when we drink the Tassimo. What do you think?
This is perfect for us as all 3 of your statements are true for this family!!
I’m the only one in this house who drinks coffee, unless you count the once-a-month “can I have some decaf, Mom” 13-year-old in the house, so PLEASE PICK ME.
We drink too many different drinks in this house. Please pick me!
Would LOVE this. =)
Oh, yes, please. I need the caffeine.
Our coffee pot broke last week. So yes, please!
This would be perfect for our house: one adult in college, one with a 50mi commute and no time to make coffee. It’s on our wishlist. Thanks for the contest.
Yes please!
Considering that I work days and my husband works overnights, this would be perfect for us.
Majorly want this!
We could definitely put this to good use.
I’d love this for my office!
I am the lone coffee drinker in the house, and I would love this!
Perfect for my house! I was hoping for Kureig for Xmas… but didn’t get one, this would work though 🙂
I am still drinking out of my free pod coffee maker, that I got off a link on your site (thanks Mir). I have been looking at either the T-disk coffee maker or the little cups one.
But if I can get one for free, my decision is made.
Thanks again Mir!
I have a cup of Chai every morning. This would be perfect!
Java me
I’ve wanted one of these for so long! I’d definitely put this to good use!
Puleeze…pick me!
Need this for when my coffee-drinking relatives visit! 🙂
I love coffee!
Oh my yes! My hubby is more of a weekend coffee drinker, but I need it daily!
Mmmmm, coffee. I’m the only coffee drinker in my house generally.
coffee – good!
Yum, would be perfect on a chilly day like today!
Would love this. . .yum!
I would love this! Yum!
As a new mom who gets zero sleep, I would love this!!
i love frou frou coffee
Ohhh, love it!
It would help me lose weight-a low cal treat
Count me in…..thanks much!!
We are definitely a household which has “multiple hot beverage drinkers who all like different things” Winning this would totally make my day as my holiday season has been quite craptastic thus far…
I have longed for one of these FOREVER! I promise I’ll put it to good use! And I’ll invite you over for coffee!
Pick me! Pick me!
Would LOVE this!!
My mother-in-law thinks I have too many coffeemakers already. Hrmph.
Oh my, yes please!
Would love to switch to one of these!
Oh, boy…this would be a BIG hit at my house!!
Wonderful! Thank you.
um. yes.
frou frou for me please!
(you’re so pretty Mir–hope your Christmas was lovely & that you got lots of smiles for all your great gifts!)
This sounds perfect for our house which fits into all these categories:
1) there’s only one coffee-drinker [my husband]
2) there are multiple hot beverage drinkers who all like different things [both]
3) the ability to go from “I think I’d like a drink†to “drink in my hand†in under a minute is key. [all about instant gratification]
Ooooooh! Fancy!
Always fun to win something!
pick me, pick me.
I want this since I’m the only coffee drinker in my house.
pick me!
Sounds good to me…especially if I can avoid a Starbucks visit!
Hot chocolate in a minute would be great. Thanks for the giveaway.
Coffee hound here. Sure, I have a regular coffeemaker and an espresso machine…but neither of those facts keep me from wanting this! Speed, variety and minimal clean up – sounds perfect!
My hubby won me over to the dark side of coffee about 4 years ago……I need this!
Coffee coffee coffee Love love love
Love you, pretty Mir! Please have the random number thingy pick me.
yes please I’d get a year of brownie points from my husband for that one!
Don’t own a coffeemaker, spend way too much at Starbucks, only coffee drinker in the house. Pick me! 🙂
I like tea, my husband like coffee! Bring on the coffee bot!
My dear hubby would lose his mind over this giveaway! Hmm, perfect Valentine’s Day gift – Always thinking ahead!!! 🙂
What a nice way to have “just a cup” without a fuss at the office!
Hmmm… from non-caffeinated to caffeinated in under 60sec? I am THERE! Thanks.
Hubby recently switched over from coffee to tea…..leaving me with leftover coffee in the coffee pot each morning. A single-cup device would be awesome!
I’ve been thinking of buying a Keurig, but I can’t help but think that a free Tassimo would be better than a $100 Keurig.
Thanks, Mir!
Be still my heart (seriously, my cardiologist better not be reading this). What I’d do to be able to have frothy fru-fru drinks at home isn’t fit to print
Oh I would Love love love this!!
Have you tried their Pumpkin coffee? Better than anything I’ve ever had at Starbucks.
This would be perfect for my hubby who just yesterday was looking forlornly at something similar at that place that is always having sales online. Kohl’s, I mean.
Thanks, Mir!
My husband and I have been tossing around the idea of buying a coffee maker so we can lessen our dependence on our local coffee stand. But they’re boring, and they don’t make fancy coffees. This is awesome! I want one!
You had me at “frothy milk”!
This would be perfect for me–I am a frou-frou coffee drinker!
wow! great giveaway! thanks for the chance!
I’ve been eyeing one of these machines for a while. We match your description to a T: hubby drinks coffee, I drink tea, with a weakness for frou frou chai lattes and the kids drink hot chocolate. And we’re always in a hurry for our drinks.
mmmmmmmm coffee
The frou-frouier the better!
Almost instant gratification! Almost perfection!
After this northeast weather? Yes please(!) to warm beverages on the fly!
This would be a perfect post-Christmas surprise for my mom!!!
Have twins. Need caffeine…
I’ve been so sorry I didn’t hop on that free pod offer you posted here years ago. This would sure make up for missing out on that 😀
Weren’t the pods just on sale at Amazon…? Anyways, me, me please!
I have a space on my counter waiting for your loveliness!
Coffee!!! ( – :
Happy New Year, Mir.
Would love to have this for a perfect cuppa or two!
I’ve wanted one of these for a long time.
My husband and I were just looking at those. A free one would be perfect! 😉
ooh pick me!
I love coffee!
Hey, we fit the criteria for needing this! Thanks, Mir!
hope I win!
Oh, yes please! This can fill in between brewing pots of coffee! No lines, no caffeine crash.
coffee…. yes, please!
ohhhh, who care that it can’t really dance. I vow to love him forever since he will let me enjoy my own little cuppa Heaven whenever I want. What an awesome prize. I am willing to be his forever home!
I like frou-frou drinks and Jake likes serious coffee. 🙂
Mmmm… frou frou is the way I go! 🙂
I definitely need this. I upgraded this Christmas from a 4 cup coffee maker (from college) to a 12-cup regular coffee maker. I am so behind.
Ohhh…this would be a perfect “after-Christmas” gift…for me 🙂 Thanks Mir!
My husband would love this as he’s the only coffee drinker and I’d love it to make my tea…
Only my husband drink coffee so this would be perfect!!
Ahhh… would love this. My hubby and I always want different drinks. This would be awesome!
Would love to win this! thanks!
Sounds like a great prize!
mmmm…. caffeine.
I like hot chocolate and my husband drinks mostly decaf. Sounds perfect for our house!
Wish I had put this on my Christmas list!
I am entirely too addicted to coffee! I would LOVE this Mir!
That would be so awesome…. Ahh, coffee…
I would love this, it is much needed for a busy morning!
MIL drinks decaf, FIL drinks regular. I could be the favorite daughter in law…
This wouldn’t be bad…
This would be great for company.
Oh, please, please, please!!! My husband would LOVE this!!!!
For this, I will cross my arthritic fingers. Thanks for this opportunity Mir!
Yes please!
sister got one for Christmas and is rubbing it in 🙁 I’d love to start rubbing in how I got one for free!
Ooooh, I’ve always wanted to try one of those things!
I was hoping Santa would bring me one of these…
My husband would love this. I would perhaps get out of the doghouse for washing his iPhone in the washing machine. You have the power to help me, oh pretty one.
I think this coffe machine would be fabulous.
Great contest Mir! Thanks!
I’d love this!
I am a teacher and our work coffee is awful! Would love to have this in my classroom:)
I love coffee. Please pick me!
Thank you thank you! You’re pretty!
Wow, I am thinking moving out gift for my 19 yo. Maybe if she can make her own coffee she will take the plunge and get an apartment!
yes, yes, yes!!! zzzzzing!
Sing with me!
C is for coffee and that’s good enough for me
C is for coffee and that’s good enough for me
coffee, coffee, coffee that’s for me!!!!!
Sadly I am the only coffee drinker in my house. I’d love one of these.
I’m not a huge coffee drinker, but love the frou frou drinks and chai tea latte. I’ve wanted to try a Tassimo beverage for a long time, but don’t know anybody who has one for me to test out and it’s a little too pricey to buy it and then turn out not to like it, so would love to win one. Thanks for the opportunity.
Been wanting one of these forever!
Oh please pick me!!!
sounds soooo good
Coffee is awesome!
Mmmmm chair!
Mmmm, coffee, if not an IV, than a Tassimo would do fine!
This would be awesome to win! I am the only coffee drinker around here. Though my mom would love one of these too…hmmm… maybe I will just invite her over if I win 😉
ME ME ME! please! please please!
OOooh! I want to try one so badly, they sound cool!
I think owning this would make me very popular at bookclub!
Chai Tea drinker says PLEASE!
Yes please! I SOOO want the Brewbot to dance like in the commercial… maybe if we all believe and clap our hands? OH, wait, that’s fairies.
Heart coffee.
Me likey!
Caffeinate me!
I would kill for one of these! Ok, not really KILL, but possibly maim someone. Although, I can’t justify actually going out and buying one.
I am the only coffee drinker in my house. This would be nice.
OMG, that sounds awesome! Thanks, pretty Mir!
I would love one of those.
I could make some counter top space for another coffee making appliance!
Oooooh, we would love this!!!
I was expecting this under the tree, but it didn’t happen-thanks for second chances, Santa Mir!!
How awesome!
We would LOVE one of these.. Good luck everyone, thanks for the review and the contest.
coffee, hot chocolate, tea….perfect!
I only drink coffee if it’s in frou-frou form. This sounds awesome!
I would absolutely love this!
Oh boy. I think my future father-in-law would love this as a gift. And I wouldn’t have to tell him I got it for free! 🙂
I don’t drink coffee but my husband does – I like tea, the kids like hot chocolate so we’d all love this I bet!
Not quite as good as an IV drip but sounds close!
Please! Thx for the chance
This would be an awesome after Christmas gift!
hubby just broke the cappucino carafe—this would be a simpler replacement!
I’d love this!
I have to have my coffee – would love this!!
I love frothy milk!! 🙂
Could sure use this!!
I like coffee, hubby likes tea (wait, isn’t there a song like that? “something, something java jive and it loves me”?). Pick me! 🙂
My Hubby wants one of these so badly, but they are expensive. We would love to win!
Woo-hoo! Coffee is Very Important!
This would be fantastic!
Would love to try this out!
Oh, my coffee lovin’ husband would love this.
I have been waiting for specialty coffee makers to come down in price this season, so free would be fantastic.
We all drink something different around here and this would be great! Pick me!
oooh, this would be so lovely! pretty please!
This should be mine.
Funny, we were just talking about this kind of coffee maker today – would be nice to have one!
gosh. that would be fab!
I love me some coffee!
Oh yeah, I want one!!
I’m suspicious of pod coffee, but for the right price (free!) I will totally give it a shot.
I wonder if it would make me convert from my keurig…let’s try!
My husband is the lone coffee drinker in our house and is in love with his new Keurig. Pretty sure I could get something shiny for me if I brought this home for FREE!
So this morning my coffee maker gasped its dying breath, and this afternoon my favorite pretty blogger posts a contest to win a really cool one. Could it be synchronicity?
I fit all three criteria, so this would be perfect for me. Thanks Mir
Great for when friends come over and some want decaf, others full caf!
Hot beverage drinker here…chaiholic.
Delicious! Love a good cup…
This would be great!
Wow! 210 coffee drinkers – no wonder this group is so alert! (and pretty!)
I’m all about easy caffeine! It’s the closest thing to an IV.
This is perfect; I’m a newbie coffee drinker!
Well chap my hide! I love a good giveaway.
mmm… coffee…
Fancy coffee, here I come!
I would love this!
We brew a pot every day.
Yay! Would be great!!!
Would love to be able to pass this along to my mom!
this would be the perfect addition to my beautiful private office.. With a window and a lovely view… it NEEDS (fine! I NEED) this little baby for my office..
I’d love to surprise my husband with this!
I have a Keurig but wouldn’t turn this down if I won 🙂 !
I love coffee, I love tea, I love Mir for gifting me!
would love to try this!
Java on the quick? Yes!
count me in please!
I love my morning coffee… and my mid-morning coffee… and my afternoon coffee… you see where I’m going with this, don’t ya? Thanks for the great contest, Mir!
Must have coffee!
I have been wanting a pod machine. This would be perfect!
I can’t get enough coffee!!
Oh, this would be perfect for me! Yes, please!
Did you say coffee??? Count me in, please! Thank you.
Wow I could really use a hot drink right now! It’s winter in San Antonio, Texas, and the temperature is a chilly 56F and it’s only going to get up to 58 degrees this afternoon (Brrr).
Well, even tho’ it doesn’t dance like on the commercials, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have this!!!
Mmmm… Coffee… Would love this.
Coffee please!!
did you say specialty coffee for one? yes please.
and btw, Mir is so pretty and so helpful!
My husband would love this since I don’t drink the stuff and he hates to make and waste a whole pot for himself. But I would like to see it dance.
I’d like to win this so I can figure out how a coffee maker makes chai! Yum!
I would love this!
I too want to see the machine dance. Send it my way!!
I have been wanting one of these! =)
Looking for a new coffee maker and would love this!
I can’t survive without my morning coffee.
I’d love to have one. 🙂
I’m an embarrassingly dependent Starbucks devotee. Maybe Tassimo could help me kick the habit? 🙂
i need one of these. i live alone and don’t drink hot beverages, but have been obsessed with owning one since the summer.
Would love to win
my husband would love this for his birthday! (today)
would love this!
would love to have this:) pick me!
I would LOVE to own one of these!
I dislike regular coffee. But LOVE fancy, tasty, special coffee’s. Thanks, Mir! You are the best!
I would love one of these! Of course, I bought one for my mother-in-law. And I bought a new coffee maker for my mom. For me? Same old huge coffee maker, when I’m the only one who drinks coffee in my house. Thanks Mir! (And you are pretty. And smart)
I want one!
I couldn’t make it through LIFE without coffee.
Yes please!
I am not a coffee drinker…but I think I could learn more easily with one of these!
Wow! I would love one of these!
Me! Me!
Pick me!!
I’m ready for this!
I am buying one even if I don’t win, but free is nice too!
The frothy ones are my favorite!
Soooo excited!!!
I’ve never met a cup of caffeine I didn’t like.
I used to have a Keurig, until lightning zapped it. I would love to go back to a single cup method.
Love those frou-frou drinks!
my husband and I would probably save a lot of money by not going to starbucks if we had this. Thanks again, Mir!
oooh fancy coffee maker….
Hmmmm, I’d love this!
might as well give it a shot! I need a new coffeepot.
This would make visiting grandparents sooooo happy after a Christmas of instant coffee!
Well, considering my coffee pot evidently does not like the good coffee that I purchase for our houseguest, it would be nice to have this…
Gradually on my way to a coffee addiction….
I would love to have this!
Come on Random Number Generator! Pick Me!
This would be great since all coffee drinkers get up at such different hours.
I have an Aeropress but would always love a shiny new dripper
Mmmm sounds good!
me, please!
This would be GREAT!! Thanks, Mir!
I would love to win this machine!!
love love love coffee…but no coffee machine at home right now this would be great
One coffee drinker! Pick me!
Would love to win this. This would help ease my guilt about the cost of when I want a frou-frou drink from Starbucks!
I’m not a coffee drinker myself, but this would come in handy for visiting guests who are coffee drinkers.
Perfect cuppa….. to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…..
Oooohhh…. I’d LOVE one of these!!
I *need* a new coffee maker. My freebie senseo died last month (heating element issue) and I’ve been searching for a replacement…
And with a baby due in early Feb, there’s gonna be a lot of late nights and early mornings in my future.
you had me at chai
I’m not a coffee drinker but my husband is – maybe he’ll win me over to the dark side with this!
My husband would love this!
My hubby would love this!
My husband loves coffee and his cappuccino maker just broke, this would be fabulous!
I would love to give this to my mom. She is the only coffee drinker in her house, loves frou frou drinks, but she is home bound so she never gets them.
I love coffee! Especially fancy frou frou coffee and vehicles for making it at home!
how about it! Bring on the caffeine!
Have I told you lately how much I love you??? 😀
****** MMMMM…coffee,sweet coffee ! my best friend ! *******
Oh! Please pick a number over 300 this time and pick me! Thank you!
Love it! Pick me.
My son is the lone coffee drinker in the house and this would be a perfect percolator for him… Of course he will be disappointed by the lack of actual robotic movement…. whatever happened to truth in advertising?
Thanks for the chance to win, Pretty Mir!!
I’d love this! Thanks!
I know someone who this would be perfect for!
I looooove coffee! 🙂
I like fancy coffee!
Oh Oh! pick me! pick me! LOL – Love coffee!! Thanks for the chance to win one!
We would drink a lot more coffee with this. 🙂
mmm. coffee. You’re Pretty.
Oh, sweet elixir of the gods, I have some yummies to add to you if I win!
Perfect for guests!
This would be great when we have guests.
Mememe! I need this. Bad.9 kids.
I really want this!
Coffee is good. A free Tassimo is even better.
This would be AWESOME! Thank you!
We LOVE coffee in our house – this would be great!
sounds great to me. we got a new regular maker for xmas and it is already 100 times better than the cheapo free maker we’ve been using. i guess burned coffee does taste bad.
Actually, I like the idea of some chai as well.
I’m reasons 1 & 3 (only coffee drinker, and when I need a cup I need it now!) Want want want.
Yay…I’m in!
Put my name in the hat, please!
Pick Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Need this to get movin’ in the morn!
I need a new coffee maker. Right now we don’t even have one. I only have chocolate to fill the bill and that doesn’t help enough.
I would LOVE this! It was on my Christmas list but I didn’t get it 🙁
Frou-frou coffee FTW! Please and thank you.
Would love to try this. Pick me please!
My morning DD just went up to $2. Would love to start making it myself.
I’d love to finally try one of these out for myself -since reheating hours old coffee has gotten tired and old 🙂
Chip, I’m all jacked up on Mountain Dew! (please pick me 🙂
What a great early bday gift this would make!!!
No matter how many hints I gave…….
Please help!
3rd shifter – I need my coffee!
yes, please!
yes please!
Oh my, I don’t know how I missed this when it was posted! me please, me please, me please!!!
Ohh….I want it!
C’mon, random number generator, bring Mama some coffee!
How awesome would this be? Thanks for the shot!
My husband would love this! He drools over his mother’s Keurig.
We have one coffee, one tea, and two hot chocolate drinkers in the house. This would awesome! Thanks for the chance to win, pretty Mir. 🙂
Please! Please! I would love this!
drinkin some as i type!!!!
Oh, I hope I win! 🙂
Happy new year!
Mmmm. Coffee.
I feel lucky!
Don’t we all love coffee?
YEAH!!! Just under the wire (6:41am Eastern)! I wonder why your original post didn’t show up on my FB page? Anyway, I’d love to win, so here I am. 🙂
Love coffee!!!!
Our house would so love this. We’ve been going back and forth on a new coffee maker, but sadly are waiting until the one we have dies (not that I want to knock it accidentally off of the counter). :).
Also a huge coffee fan and could certainly use an upgrade of some kind to my basic Mr. Coffee…