Overstock’s weekend coupon

By Mir
June 17, 2006
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Overstock.com, Inc.Gearing up for a large purchase? You have until 2:00 EST on June 19th to get a nice discount off your order. Dude. I’m not even sure what you could spend that kind of money on, at Overstock, but maybe you need some furniture…? Or a computer? Ummm… several cases of “Forever Yours Breast Enhancement” pills? (Yes, they really sell that. No, I’m not going to link you.)


  1. Hey, or maybe a digital camera to replace the one my daughter dropped in my beer. 🙂

  2. Why oh WHY won’t you give us the link to those breast enhancement pills? Is it perhaps because you doubt that they will really WORK? Because I’m SURE they DO!

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