Camping and hiking and more, oh my!

By Mir
July 24, 2006
Category Hot Hot Hot!

One of my very favorite sites is having an awesome sale!

Sierra Trading Post is offering $.20 shipping on every order from now through Friday, July 28th, in honor of their 20th anniversary. They also have tons of further markdowns throughout the site.

While Sierra Trading Post is undeniably a fabulous resource for the “outdoorsy” types—you can get your hiking boots, a new tent, some wicking exercise wear—they also carry other overstocks tucked in amongst their regular fare. So don’t overlook them if you’re not a treehugger; they may have something you need at a fabulous price.

Thanks, Jes! You’re pretty!


  1. Wheeeee! Sierra Trading Post! And, you taught me things I didn’t know about Sierra. I’m totally going RIGHT NOW to look for other regular fare, like 1200 count sheets and Waterford goblets.

    (You’re pretty too, Mir!)

  2. Ooohh…the mere mention of 20 CENT shipping in addition to 35-70% off (bargain barn) almost makes me squeal in anticipation! There are some regular fare items in there, like cheap lil’ baby items that would be great for a…gift closet, perhaps?

    Thanks, Mir, for sharing all these amazing deals! Off to browse some more!

  3. Hey Mir, I thought I’d just give a heads up to anyone that orders from Sierra Trading post, be ready for a huge amount of catalogs (like 1 or 2 a week) to arrive in your mailbox. They’re always sending them out. Not a bad gig, except for those of us who hate junk mail.

    I live close enough to one of the Sierra Outlets that I can make the drive in 30 minutes, but .20 shipping?! Wow, can’t beat it.


    PS you’re pretty

  4. I love Sierra Outlet!
    Thank you so much for the information!! Great blog!

Bargain Hunt





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