Wow, just what I need. An excuse to buy more books!
Amazon is having a 4-for-3 promotion right now, and I am in very big trouble. I’d show you what all I have in my shopping cart, but I am too busy trying to decide what constitutes “too many” books, really.
Anyway. It’s books! It’s music! It’s movies! It’s all of my favorite things! And they even have one of my favorite books ever on the list.
And, um, you can never have too many books.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
um… Dear Lovely and Wise Mir, there is simply no such thing as “too many books”!!!!
…and even though this is coming right on the heels of a book fair, and two Scholastic classroom orders, I don’t think I can resist because you can NEVER have too many books!!!
New pots and pans and now books….oh I’m in trouble!
Books are like shoes — no one can have too many.
Well, lovely and wise Mir, that was totally worth it. Look at all the money I saved!! I saved money!! By spending money!! I love how I do that all the time.
Seriously, some books for the boy, some DVDs for the boy. Yes, it’s all about the boy. Well, and I donate some books each year during National Adoption Awareness Month to his daycare/preschool so a few will go towards that. So I saved money by doing the free shipping and using the promotion dealy. Thank you!