Fancy-schmancy acne products

By Mir
September 28, 2006

I suffer from adult acne. And I do mean suffer. I’m always trying this or that product, and I’ve yet to find the perfect combination that truly keeps me acne-free. For the most part, if I can keep it down to just a few blemishes at a time, I feel like I’m doing okay.

And the truth is that—for most people—nothing trumps a basic benzoyl peroxide treatment. I vary the cleaners and toners I use, but it’s that little white tube that keeps the zits at bay. The bigger issue, to my mind, is keeping the rest of your skin healthy while staving off the pimples.

I’ve heard wonderful things about Proactiv, but it’s against my religion to use a product hawked by Jessica Simpson. Also, it’s very expensive. But I just ran across this comparable regimen, and I may try it out.

Order up to three trial-size AcneFree kits for just $6.95 shipping. You pay just $6.95 whether you order 1 or 3, so that’s a no-brainer. Each kit lasts a week.

Take that, Proactiv.


  1. You know, I had what I thought was adult acne for years. Then I was talking to a lady at the health food store and she said, “You don’t have acne, you have rosacia.” Everything I was using was too harsh, and I was washing my face way too much. I started using a mild Vitamin E soap (about $1.50) followed by NutriBiotic Non-Soap (about $10, lasts me over a month) and only washing my face once a day most days, sometimes twice. It has totally cleared up; I almost never get blemishes now.

  2. I use this product! It can be purchased at Target/Wal-Mart/Sam’s Club (no shipping/handling). I ordered the three sets for $6.95 because that is still cheaper than it can be bought for at the store. As usual, you’re so pretty, Mir!!!

  3. They sell this at Walmart and I’ve used it for some time. It works pretty well, although it basically just boils down to another gentle cleasner/toner/ and then BP. And I also tried Proactive with no success, so rest easy–it probably wouldn’t have helped anyhow. Thanks for the tip!

  4. I LOVE THIS PRODUCT! Been using it for a couple years now. I love the price too! And you can get it at any drug store or Walmart! Half the price of proactiv and it works better in my opinion!

Bargain Hunt





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