Get Thomas for $2.99

By Mir
November 15, 2006

If you have a Thomas the Tank Engine fan, you know that the trains themselves—the little wooden trains that fit in the palm of your hand, the cracks in the sofa, and the empty pop-tart boxes on the floor (okay, maybe that one’s just us)—cost around $10 or $12 apiece.

So why not scoop up Thomas for free and pay just $2.99 for shipping? Use promotional code 159241 to redeem this offer.

If we didn’t already have three Thomases I’d be all over this. But I do have my limits, occasionally.


  1. This was perfect timing on this offer for me. I was just online buying some trains for a little boy I know, and I wanted to get the plain old Thomas for his baby brother, but they were out of stock. But now I’ve got it for him, and at a steal! Thank you!

  2. Wow, cool!!! We already have a regular wooden Thomas, a motorized Thomas, but this is way cool, too! Thanks, Pretty Mir!!!

  3. Thank you thank you. My budding toddler engineer thanks you too.

  4. And this will arrive in perfect time to be a stocking stuffer!

  5. Dang it! You people are too on yhe ball because it won’t work for me! The server is over-loaded, you smoes! 😉

  6. I wonder if you can get more than one? Hmmmm…I’ll have to try it out because I would love to avoid the fight over which of my three kids gets to play with Thomas now!

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