I hope you’re not all hitting refresh, wondering where I am. Where I am is in cable company hell, actually. I don’t have internet! Then I do have internet! Now I don’t! And did I mention the guys ripping apart my bathroom? While this is happening? I didn’t? Oh, nevermind then.
Yeah, don’t look directly at my left eye. I seem to have developed a nervous tic.
Anyway! Like The Hobbit? How would you like a very cool Hobbit Gift Collection for just $11 shipped? (They have lots of other Christmas clearance going on already, too.)
Use coupon code 248611WD to upgrade to 2-day shipping for the same price as UPS Ground, if you need it before Christmas.
Rats! They say it is gone already.
I need to be faster! That would have been a perfect gift for my daughter! Now I have to go find it for full price somewhere else. Bah! 😉