Calling all bloggy types

By Mir
January 11, 2007
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Here’s a quick freebie for those of you who blog, or want to blog, and have questions. Karen Rani (the designer of this blog, incidentally) has decided to host How2Blog as an informational resource for those needing some technical blogging help:

Welcome to How2Blog, a new column that will answer these questions and more. Previously known as the Graphic Design Series, this column will provide you with the tools you want to make your blog more user-friendly, more fun to visit and help you shed that Christmas Bulge.

Okay maybe not that last one.

This weekly column will be cross-posted at website-turned-blog Troll Baby Graphics.

Whether you’re on Blogger, WordPress, Movable Type or Typepad, we all have one thing in common: we want our blogs to be a reflection of our messages to the world.

Send your burning questions to me at:

I can’t possibly know everything, so if I don’t know the answer, I’ll hunt it down for you.

Karen knows stuff, so go ask her if you need some help!


  1. I just started so this is, HEY, called PERFECT TIMING!! Thanks for the heads-up, oh wise and pretty Mir!!

    – Judy/Joyluck/Mom2One/somebody-or-other 🙂

  2. This looks awesome. I’ve been blogging for just over 200 posts (yes, I celebrated), and I’m still working on details just like this! I’m too embarrassed to ask my daughter’s boyfriend to help me fix my blog, so I’m grateful to the lovely Karen Rani for starting this.

  3. Karen is freaking awesome, and I’m starting to think she is at least part alien. Because, the energy? Not. Human. I love my blog since she prettied it, so much so that I will never wash it again.

  4. I can’t be alien…I like Justin Timberlake and everyone KNOWS aliens don’t like JT. *eye roll*


    I wanted to be able to help people – I get a TON of questions, and this way, I’m freeing up the individual email time to help the MASSES.

    Also, there is another big announcement coming….but I’ll share with Want Not readers here: I’ve joined Swank Web Style. I’ll be designing there and using TBG as a blog to help the MASSES. I can’t stop saying that: help the MASSES.

    I need sleep.

    Thank you, pretty lady, for posting this…you’re awesome!

  5. This is cool. I’ve been seriously considering starting a blog, but haven’t a clue exactly how to do that.

    Thanks for linking this, Mir!

  6. Holy cow. I actually started one. Thanks for the inspiration, Mir!

  7. I just started a blog last month and am still pretty clueless. Great timing!!!

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