I am not an online gamer, so I have no idea why this is exciting, but the way people are buzzing about it, it clearly is. So.
Do you play World of Warcraft? Or does your significant other or child? Do you (or they) hate to stop and ask for directions? If you answered “yes” to any of the previous questions, this one’s for you.
Best Buy is selling a double-sided World of Warcraft World Map for just $1.99 with free shipping. And if their site is to be believed, it’s both a tool and a collector’s item!
That’s not as exciting as something that’s both a floor wax and a dessert topping, but it’s something, I guess.
I do indeed play WoW with my husband 🙂 It’s a nice release from reality lol
Oh my lord, WoW is like crack. World of WarCrack should be its name. haha My husband plays. I’m definitely looking into this.
you made my husband’s day. between the expansion pack coming out today and this, he’s thrilled. I guess I could be a football widow or a WoW widow. At least with geeky stuff it doesn’t matter when it happens, so he can geek out after I go to bed.
mapz r 4 n00bz.
(haha. just kidding. i’m an ex-Oblivion junkie, myself.)
Despite all my attempts to sit in front of my monitor so that my husband couldn’t read this one over my shoulder from his computer (Yes, we each have a computer. No, we can’t share), he managed to peek around me anyway. Now I’ll have to get one of these maps and most likely will have it posted front and center on my living room wall for a time. Darn you WoW! I shake my fist at thee!