I love the Oscar ones

By Mir
February 5, 2007

Up to 75% off kids shop clearance items until 2.28.07I can’t stop looking at this sale on kids’ stuff over at the PBS Store. It’s partly because I love PBS and want to marry it and have its babies—or at least support it in any way I can—and partly because I really think we need a couple of those green t-shirts for some people who shall remain nameless but live in my house and are often grouchy. Ahem.


  1. He looks a little too smiley to be grouchy.

  2. Some day — yes, some day — I will have an Oscar shirt in my size. And when I wear it, my students will cower in fear. (I can dream, can’t I?)

  3. I love the Oscar ones too. I just like anything named Oscar, the muppet, the academy award… Just anything.

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