Many thanks to Barbie2be for this tip: Apparently her local radio station is doing a promotion with Red Envelope where you can use coupon code Marla for $5 off of any order actually it appears to be giving $10 off. That’s fabulous because their coupons almost always have purchase minimums, but that one does not. Woo!
Shipping starts at $8.95. Check out the Winter Sale section for some good deals; they have a lot of baby stuff on clearance, as well as things like cute jewelry and a couple of different bocce sets (which, you know, I don’t know anyone who plays bocce, and apparently neither do they, because there’s always bocce sets on clearance there).
[Edited to add: I’m having trouble linking directly to it, but in the Winter Sale section they have Dragonology (and Wizardology, now, at 5:30ish) on sale for $8.99! My son has brought this one home from the library every other week ever since school started (and only because you’re not allowed to borrow it twice in a row). This is a gorgeous, interactive book sure to please medium-sized little ones, and would make a great gift, especially at this price.]
Dragonology is a favorite at many ages. My sixth graders also love it — especially those who draw.
Whoa. I just bought one of their baby Halloween costumes (…must…have…polar…bear…costume) from the Winter Sale which was priced at $9.99. When I checked out using the code above, the discount was…$9.99. So I just paid for shipping and got the (originally $30) costume for free!
Now I’m thinking I should have gone for something more expensive!
Nice sale, especially with the coupon. Needed to get a baby girl gift & they had very cute things on sale, plus those -ology books I’ve been meaning to buy. great tip.
Thanks, Mir! I just bought two dragonology books, one for my son’s 7th birthday in may, and one for the gift closet, all for $16.93.
Must have been one short-lived promotion–tried this morning and wouldn’t take it; said it was an invalid code!
HA, I am a total stalker and just bought the Dragonology book myself (half for me, half for the kidlet)! It’s practically half-price, how can I resist?
And the code still works — Erin might have been typing in MarIa instead of MarLa, which is a mistake I made at first.