Despite the current temperatures and the fact that my driveway is a solid slab of ice, it’s time for the Eddie Bauer Spring Sale. If you’re a fan of EB, it’s a good time to stock up. Jeans are buy one, get one half off, and lots of other stuff is reduced on purchases of 2 or more.
(Edited to add: How silly of me to post this without a coupon code. How about EBSPRING for 20% off until April 2nd, 2007? That’s better.)
Of course, you probably spent all of your money on shoes already. Sorry about that.
Just keep in mind that you probably won’t be able to save on shipping by taking returns to the mall, seeing as how the mall stores are magically disappearing…
Thank you! I just found jeans that I love at one of their outlets! So, this adds two pair to my wardrobe at outlet prices.