
By Mir
March 21, 2007
Category Hot Hot Hot!

I’m traveling this week (you may have noticed I was, uh, not here today), so posting may be light. I’ll try to sneak in a few posts as I can, but apologies in advance for slacking off. I’ll make it up to you somehow, I swear.

Maybe I’ll bring you some nice little bottles of shampoo back.


  1. Have a great trip, we’ll miss you! 🙂

  2. HEY! None of that SHAM-POO! Gimme some REAL-POO!! (Sorry. Couldn’t resist.)

  3. Aww…wall art chained down? Tsk, tsk.

  4. Everyone’s gotta slack off now and then – go for it! We’ll wait for you.


    Okay, I didn’t totally wait – I bought a pair of shoes. But they are really cute.

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