Free shipping on the bane of vacuuming

By Mir
April 17, 2007

They say that nature abhors a vacuum, but I am here to tell you that vacuums abhor two things: Polly Pockets and Legos.

Who amongst us parents hasn’t heard the tell-tale KA-CHUNK-CHUNK of a little plastic shoe or a small building brick being sucked up? It just goes with the territory.

Well, if you’ve sucked up one too many important creations, lately, you might be interested to know that right now most Lego set ship for free at A bunch of them are on sale, too, which eases the sting when you end up with half of them in your vacuum canister.


  1. We refer to that noise as “the rattle of toy death.” 😉

  2. This is why I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my swivel sweeper (yup, I fell for the infomercial) – I pick up legos, pollys, and even worse than PP’s, is PERLER/HAMA beads…because with the swivel sweeper, I can sweep and then empty the tray right out without having to dig into the bags, lol!

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