Bonus buys at Kohls

By Mir
July 2, 2007
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Ooooh, you know what’s happening this week? That’s right! The 4th of July! A celebration of our nation’s independence and our right to have lots of big sales. God bless our founding fathers and their coupons. Yes.

Through Wednesday, July 4th, you can check out the multiple bonus buys at Kohls and enjoy $.99 shipping per item. (Okay, this shipping promotion is not my favorite, because it really adds up if you’re buying lots of little things. But it’s great for small orders or large items.) Make it even better with coupon code NEW8559, good for 10% off your entire order through July 7th, 2007.

I would totally be shopping if not for the fact that I have eight gazillion boxes here to unpack before I can even find my closet.


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