Just a reminder

By Mir
August 30, 2007
Category Hot Hot Hot!

I’ve gotten emails from a lot of you about the Barnes & Noble Paypal deal that I posted last week. I don’t know whether to be flattered that y’all want to make sure I know about this great deal or offended that somehow I posted it but apparently none of you saw it. Heh. Regardless, please do go back to the original post to read the details if you like; the bottom line is that you can go buy $40+ worth of books at Barnes & Noble and take $10 off if you pay via Paypal and use coupon code D9U3D3W. It’s a great deal.

It would be an even better deal if I could find that misplaced gift card I know I have around here, somewhere. Have you seen it?


  1. Pssst! Mir, did you hear about the Barnes and Noble Paypal deal?

    Seriously, I didn’t check it out the first time you posted it because, me, need new books? No. But there are a lot of good children’s books in the bargain-priced section. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I have been meaning to ask you, can you recommend good books for the 5yr old age group? The few books you have recommend in the past have been good.

  3. um, yeah. i did see the original, but promptly forgot. i blame pregnancy brain. i have 10 more weeks to use that excuse before it turns into “lack of sleep” brain.

  4. I so took advantage of this deal the first time you posted it. I always forget about ordering books from them. They also shipped it pretty quickly. I’ve already got the books. Hmmmm, may need more now?????

  5. This is just my kind of deal — I puffy pink heart you, pretty, pretty Mir!!!!

    (Not that I think I know you or anything. It’s platonic bloglove. Just sayin’.)

  6. whooops, I plead guilty to missing it the first time and sending you my email from B&N. sorry.
    A word of caution — being a nani-brain, I missed the clue to enter the discount code for paying with PayPal, and didn’t get the $10 off my textbooks. However, after contacting B&N customer service, they fixed it and deducted the $10 from my PayPal account. Good service along with a good bargain!

Bargain Hunt





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