
By Mir
September 19, 2007

Jonesing for some new shoes? Make sure you work a little price-matching magic, if so. (Details on how to do it can be found in this post if you need a primer.)

Anyhoo, there’s a big shoe clearance going on over at Piperlime. The prices are pretty good, but if you find something you like, check to see if they have it at Zappo’s or Endless. You could have some stylin’ new shoes for a fraction of the regular price delivered to your door tomorrow.

There now. Doesn’t the day seem a whole lot brighter?


  1. OMG!!! How have I not known of this pricematch??? Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are {;>

  2. And smart! And funny!

  3. First time to actually price match and I LOVE you. $10.00 shoes, down from $65.00. For that, you deserve much comment love.

  4. Hello! Long time reader, first time pricematcher …

    I used Endless, and when they calculate the difference, they add $15 to the Piperlime price for overnight shipping … does Zappos do that too?

    Those will be going back (after I try them on for size, of course), since I can wait a few days for free ground shipping from Piperlime to get them cheaper! (Hooray for free returns!)

Bargain Hunt





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