Is it just too complicated and tiresome to walk inside your house in order to turn the lights on? Does finding the light switch on the wall tax your delicate sensibilities?
If this sounds like you, please seek professional help.
But also consider purchasing the Black and Decker freewire starter kit, which is currently marked down to $14.99. (No free shipping, so it’ll run you about $21 total.) The next lowest price I saw on this was around $70, and really, can you even put a price on turning the lights on from the comfort of your car/driveway/hyperbaric chamber? No, you cannot.
Now someone go peel me a grape.
I’m so happy the site is back but where is woulda shoulda???? Tell them to hurry up already! (because I am sure that thought never occurred to you, right?)
It’s even cheaper than The Clapper!
I must be looking at a different Amazon than you, because mine shows a price of $29.99…
But this idea is actually kind of cool for people like me who come home after dark and already have a porch light with a sensor but it stays on all the time anyway because it’s under an awning, essentially defeating the purpose. This kit would allow a person to leave their porch light off until they came home. See–not lazy but energy-efficient! 🙂