Threadless sale ends this week

By Mir
December 10, 2007

Just a reminder—the big $10 holiday sale at Threadless goes through the end of this week and then it’s gone.

They’ve been adding new shirts every Monday. Have you been checking back? I saw this one today and was sorely tempted to place another order. For… ummm… someone I know. Yeah.


  1. You wouldn’t happen to be eyeing the one stating “The internet was closed so I thought I’d come outside today”???

  2. Dear Pretty Mir,

    This hits the spot for some much-needed retail therapy. (I forgot my yummy lunch, and the day went downhill from there.)

    Thank you!

  3. oh why did you post that! I have now made my 2nd order from Threadless this holiday season. How could I resist, they are too funny. ***I*** better close my internet and get outside!

  4. I’d buy that one for my daughter’s geek, er, boyfriend — but he plays rugby and organizes frisbee-golf tournaments when he’s not programming. Cute, though.

  5. I bought it. I couldn’t help it. I’ve been eyeing so many of those Threadless shirts…and this one I couldn’t resist.

  6. I wish I hadn’t waited on the ‘refridgerator running’ design – all sold out. 🙁

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