Fancy fondue

By Mir
January 16, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Alert reader Dorothy (although not my local friend Dorothy, who is probably now scratching her head and wondering if she emailed me in her sleep) left a comment to point out that this fancy schmancy fondue set is currently marked down to $29.99 (68% off) at Amazon.

You could certainly find a lesser set cheaper, but if you are serious about your fondue, or need a wedding gift that makes you look like you spent a lot more than you actually did, check this one out. It’s pretty awesome-looking (and serves six, and comes with a glass lazy susan, and, oh, just go look, already).

Thanks, Dorothy! Although this may explain why I have a sudden craving for cheese at 6:30 in the morning….


  1. Thanks Mir!
    We try to do something fun for Christmas Eve and New Year’s ever dinners with the kids. Recently, we discussed trying fondue. SHAMBAM….the fondue set you mention is ROCK’N!!! I bought two…one for oil and the other for cheese…or chocolate…or…
    Tis the season to stop buying. I bought the blankets and now the fondue set…your killing me Mir!

  2. just to reply to KLO, we did fondue on Christmas eve for many years when I was growing up, it’s such an awesome SOCIAL meal, it’s a great family memory for me.

    a few more years when my kids are a bit older we’ll be doing the same thing!

  3. Oooo, I love fondue. These are my favorite wedding gifts. Maybe they seem silly to a newlywed who didn’t think they wanted one, but once you try it, it’s fun, and you’re glad you have one! That’s a beautiful set!

  4. I have a circa 70’s one from ebay. It was an engagement present to myself! I love it! I use it all the time. My hubby never had it before now he can’t wait until I make it.

  5. Long live fondue!

  6. That fondue pot is cool. Too bad we have one in-the-box-never-been-used-and-not-nearly-as-cool. I don’t like cheese (I know, I’m not right!), so I’ve never really thought about what else to do with it beyond chocolate. Sweet, sweet, chocolate.

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