So, you know those goofy items they advertise on television, and you watch it and think to yourself “That is so stupid,” but secretly, deep in your heart of hearts, you sort of want one? Because it’s kind of a neat idea?
Alright, maybe that’s just me. Ahem.
Anyway, right now at Linens N Things, all “As Seen on TV” items have free shipping, plus some of ’em are already on sale. Combine the guilty purchase of your heart’s desire with coupon code 26620000008 for 20% off a single item, and you’ve got a bargain that you didn’t have to look anyone in the eye to bring home. (Because, who knows, for $4 shipped maybe the Pasta Express could get your kids making dinner. It could happen.)
If you have toddlers, you totally want to use this for a Handy Switch or two:
Great because you can mount them at little hand level. Also great for Christmas lights, etc., because you can mount them whereever you want. They’re just awesome.
I like the switch, I might just get one for myself! My lamp is on top of my hubby’s high boy dresser, so I have to get out of bed to turn it off…that switch is JUST what I need.
And I am a TOTAL sucker for “as seen on TV”…though I usually buy when I see it in stores…but I do own the Swivel Sweeper (changed my life…I don’t mind sweeping so much, and it’s great for cleaning up after little “crumby” kids…and it does the stairs well too!), and I own the Vidalia Chop Wizard – makes life SO easy!!!!
Don’t get the pasta Express. Yes, I got one when they came out. Not so good for pasta. It comes out very starchy.
However, I do have the Store and Spin and I love it.
I love the commercials for Pasta Express, where they make it look soooo hard to boil water and throw in a handful of spaghetti the old-fashioned way.
I will give a huge thumbs up to Clever Clasp, though. Those little magnetic necklace clasps. I’ve even bought a 2nd set of those so I don’t have to keep swapping them all out from necklace to necklace every day. The magnets are pretty strong, I usually don’t even bother to take the time to screw it closed as an added safety measure.
I’ve been looking at those dryer balls for years. Hmmm.
Dryer balls are not recommended for front loaders.
I purchased Hercules Hooks at Target. They are awesome and so easy to use!!!
Another vote for the Vidalia Chopper. It is AWESOME.
I totally want one of those AeroGarden’s.
My grandma just got me a Magic Bullet that arrived yesterday. LOVE IT. Definitely easier to clean than my blender, and we’ve already enjoyed some smoothies.
I bought some dryerballs a few weeks ago–they don’t do a *thing* for static. Boo. 🙁
There are many wonderful As Seen on TV products, and I know, because two of my favorite guy friends in the world give me one or two every year for my birthday. Which is why I can ALSO say, with true authority, that the Pasta Express isn’t even worth someone paying YOU $4.99 to own.
On the other hand, if it’s available, be sure to buy my beloved As Seen On TV Robomaid–which is supposed to be a Roomba for those of us who will never be able to afford to even LOOK at a real one, but is actually nothing more than a Swiffer dry cloth on wheels, but still makes me smile every time I use it.
I second the dryer ball comments above — they don’t work at all. 🙁 My cat loved them, though.
Has anyone tried the hairdryer? I have benn secretly wanting one for years but for 50+ dollars, I would like to know if it is junk or not.
yeah, totally don’t like the pasta express. it takes way longer than just boiling the dingdang water like normal (which, takes forever. duh.). mine was a gift, and in the two (?) times i’ve used it, i’ve burnt myself each time 😛
but those Hercules Hooks always catch my eye..
haha…looks like we’ve totally all just outed out secret desires here in the comments 😛
*outed our, not outed out. you know what i meant.
My mom’s been dying to get one of those Micro Grills, so I picked one up for her. Thanks for the heads up! 🙂
Just wanted to say, I love my Ove Gloves!! Both of them. Only thing is I got one of them a couple years ago before they put the silicone coating on them. So, I just use them unmatched…!!?? It works!