Save more at Sally

By Mir
February 12, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Here’s a handy example of when being cheap gets ridiculous: I have been cutting my family’s hair for well over ten years. Not often, you understand, but when someone needs a haircut, I’m the barber. Now. Do you think that I have owned a hair-cutting cape for all of that time?

Of course not. I just bought a cape last month. It cost me all of $12. I’m really not sure what I was waiting for. Maybe I thought everyone was enjoying being covered with hair and/or suffocated by trash bags while I tried to cover them up somehow…?

All of this is to say: I bought the cape at Sally’s Beauty Supply, after waiting all this time, and of course today I find a printable coupon for 15% off through the end of February. That, my friends, is called Murphy’s Law. But my stupidity and poor luck may be your gain—go forth and save.


  1. My mother uses an old sheet. But she do3es have a cape because she used to be a beautician. I think the sheet is a lot more comfortable.

  2. I may just have to check this out!! I am the family barber for my hubby and son. We LOVE the Wahl haircutting kits (as opposed to Conair or whatever the other big brand is). We just got a new kit (every few years since my hubby’s hair is thick like wire) and it has a very lame cape. I miss the old one, which ripped.

    Thanks, Mir!

  3. Great coupon, thanks!! Love your blog!

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