McDonald’s is giving out free 4-piece chicken McNuggets today, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. I don’t know why. And I’ll state for the record that I don’t believe McNuggets to be actual food, but that I do occasionally let my children have them, anyway. Hypocrite, thy name is Mom.
Today and tomorrow it looks like you can get a free McSkillet Burrito with the purchase of any medium or large drink, too. (Also not food. Whatever.)
Find your local golden arches here, if you’re so inclined.
Thank you for this tip!! I heard about the McSkillet, but I didn’t know about this freebie.
There’s a coupon (I think I got it in my Sunday paper awhile back) for a 29 cent small fry with purchase in honor of Leap Year.
(I will be at Dunkin Donuts with fellow moms instead, enjoying my 29 cent donut coupon and a yummy coffee!) 🙂
Whats the scoop on DD?! Is this a promo for all, or did I miss a coupon?
Nuggets aren’t real food? *GASP!* Reminds me of those old commercials, “Cuz parts is parts”.
You might want to check with your McDs before driving up and asking for the free McNuggets – it isn’t listed on their website so it may be a regional thing.
Call before you go. Ours is not doing the nugget deal. They did do the other, though. Thanks!!
I just embarrassed myself at the McD’s counter asking for free nuggets. 🙂 The girl just shook her head no.
Sorry…the DD deal is a coupon that was in the Sunday paper in a little DD coupon book. It was the last coupon and one day only.
Just went to McD’s with the 3 kids and got shot down on the nugget thing. Thought I’d give them a treat without spending too much. Turned out to be an expensive treat!