I’ve got teeth on the brain

By Mir
February 28, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Have I mentioned that my son is about to get a mouthful of metal? We’re not hoping to turn him into a cyborg, or anything… he’s getting two palate expanders, and later, braces. My daughter is getting her braces within the next year.

(Um, shop through my links, please. Often. Ha!)

Anyhoo, what do I see every time I take them in to the orthodontist or the dentist? That’s right—I see a great big Sonicare display, assuring me that an expensive Sonicare toothbrush will get their teeth clean even behind all of that metal, while regular toothbrushes mean that after I pay for their braces I can also pay for all the fillings they’ll need. (It doesn’t say exactly that on the display. But something close!)

Needless to say, they don’t have a Sonicare. I don’t let them floss with $20 bills, either. But lookie here: Kohls has the Sonicare A4100 toothbrush for just $50.99 (add it to your bag to see the price). Use code MVCCHARGE15 with your Kohls charge to take off another 15%, or NEW9914 to take 10% off if you don’t have a Kohls card. Shipping is just $.99, or use code MVC4242 for free shipping with your Kohls charge (it stacks with one of the other coupons).

With tax, my total was $47.43… a few bucks cheaper than Amazon’s price. (Or it would’ve been, if I’d bought it. I didn’t, of course, because I’m a terrible mother.)


  1. My mom swears by Sonicare (I’m a poet!!)
    Alas, my children use spin brushes… because I’m so stinking cheap.

  2. Beautiful Mir,
    I don’t use my Sonicare because I am a wimp and don’t like the feel of the vibration in my hand – but- my friend is a periodist and says that using the Sonicare will save you and your kids later in life in time, money and pain. It helps prevent gum disease.

  3. My 12 y.o. son has braces and his gums were a mess. We got a sonicare and his gums look a lot better. He had a spin brush, but I think the sonicare really does a better job. We got it discounted through insurance, I think, but it was still probably more than this deal. I am hoping if my other boys will need braces it can wait till we pay off these…

  4. We have sonicares for us, and I think it’s totally worth the relatively small outlay. My teeth are cleaner faster, and the coffee stains are gone. I’ll definitely consider one for my son when he’s old enough, especially with braces–i remember how icky mine used to get (yech!) If it helps, i’d justify the cost by how much it costs for cavities to get filled 😉

    Man, i sound like a commercial 😉 I promise i don’t work for them!

  5. A word to the wise…

    My husband pooh-poohed my offer to let him use my “fancy” toothbrush for his braces. He went the manual way.

    Ha…joke’s on him (us). He needed gum surgery to rebuild his gums after he scraped them all off with vigorous brushing during his two years of braces. Gum surgery that is only half-covered by insurance.

    Sometimes a small outlay up front saves a bundle in the end (both cash and pain and suffering!)

    My $0.02.

  6. I had braces back in high school, and maybe my teeth are just naturally tough. I used a regular toothbrush and had no cavities or gum problems when the braces were removed after two years.

  7. I ordered 2 brushes but they wont accept the 15% promo code.

  8. If you’re a bad flosser, like me, Sonicare is totally worth it. I’m getting great feedback at the dentist and though I still floss, I’ve gotten lazier about it (without bad feedback from the doc…). I can even see the difference in plaque levels and such…

  9. I LURVES me my Sonicare.

  10. I ordered the toothbrush as son #2 is getting braces in 1 week – promo code worked and $46 later for a toothbrush that is normally $100 …. well I am happy…well, happy enough until I pay the gajillion we owe for the braces. Pretty Mir, love your tips

  11. For over a year I had ugly brown stains on my front teeth, which are weirdly grooved (I DON’T drink coffee, tea, or soda), which I couldn’t get off no matter how hard I scrubbed. Got a Sonicare a while back, to help with my gingivitis, and presto! Stains are gone. Just saying.

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