Usually you can snag the best deals at Amazon on Friday, but every now and then they follow the Friday Sale with a Kitchen and Home One Day Sale. Like today! This is your chance to snap up a deal if you missed it on Friday, or to maybe grab something that wasn’t available last week.
(I’m sort of rushed this morning, so please insert your own joke about the CitiKitty Cat Toilet Training Kit here. Thanks.)
Years ago with a similar product, the hope of hopes of not requiring a catbox in an apartment led me to successfully train one of my cats to use a toilet. The other cat suffered deep psychological potty training trauma and was never quite the same again.
It’s worth clicking the link just to take a look at the submitted customer images. Clearly very proud cat-parents sent those photos in… which I’m sure I’d appreciate more if I was a cat-parent myself. But I’ll just chuckle at them immaturely instead.
I had no idea there was such a product.
Wish I could train my dog to do that.
Long long ago, a friend of mine tried this. It worked and her two cats used the potty for years.
We tried it. One of my cats got the first of what would be come a constant urinary tract infection problem, that took years to stop flaring up. And it happened fast… maybe he was going to get it anyhow, I don’t know… but we started the “training” Friday evening and Saturday afternoon we were at the Emergency vet with a sick kitty. (Of course, as the friend whose cats used the potty said, it’s only because we were so attentive to the cats that day that we noticed the UTI at the very beginning so…).
Anyhow, they’re not totally harmless, in my option.
That is too funy…Thanks for the great laugh Mir!!