Tonight it’s not free, but it is unbelievably cheap—just thirty-one cents, in fact.
That’s right, it’s back at Baskin Robbins tonight (April 30th, 2008) from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m.! Consider it an excellent twofer: You get ice cream on the cheap, and you’re encouraging Baskin Robbins to contribute to charity (this year’s event to benefit the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation).
Limit 10 scoops per person, by the way. I find that hilarious—like maybe someone would be up at the counter, demanding that eleventh scoop, otherwise.
Oh yeah oh yeah…I have a BR near me! (dances away, images of pralines & cream swirling in her brain)
This makes up for the too-far-away Ben & Jerry’s.
Wow, that is a very generous limit!
10 scoop limit? Dangit, they must have known I was coming!
Just kidding! Thanks for the info, Mir! I forwarded the info to my daughter’s entire softball team. I think we’re all going after practice tonight!
I’m in (near) Toronto, ON, Canada. I looked at the website to see if they’re running this deal in Canada and can’t find anything.
Does anyone know if this deal is valid outside the U.S.?
Make sure when you get there you tell them that you want the $.31 deal. Otherwise they’ll give you the normal sized scoop (these scoops are the small scoops not the normal ones) and yell at you for not telling that you wanted the promotion. I did see that it says the size, but how am I supposed to know what size is normal and what isn’t? It happened to me last year, and I haven’t been back since. I don’t take well to ice cream scoopers yelling at me.
10 scoops. That is weird because the woman wouldn’t give me some for my hubby or 2 kids who were sitting in the back of the store unless she could “physically see them.” Weird.
I ate ice cream until I was nauseated. It is all your fault.
(And I still have 2 scoops of Heath Bar in the freezer…)