It’s time for the Friends and Family Sale over at Eddie Bauer, and not a moment too soon. While the additional savings cannot be used on their clearance items (drat!), you have until May 4th, 2008, to use it on everything else. And they have a wide array of bathing suits, just in case you didn’t get one yet. (Summer is coming, like it or not….)
Okay. So. Just do your shopping and then apply coupon code SUM8FRFAM to take an additional 30% off your order. Eddie told me to tell you that you’re worth it.
Thank you, o wise and pretty Mir! I saved $49 and got a couple things I’d had my eye on. Some good summer clothes. I didn’t usually buy from Eddie Bauer in the past, but I’ve bought a bunch of things from them with your previous codes and been very happy with all of it!