As a mother I am constantly trying to steer my kids away from an overabundance of the licensed-character stuff, but sometimes… well, sometimes I give in because something is so cute I just lose my will to say no.
(Hey, don’t judge me. I hardly ever let the kids shoot heroin, after all.)
Anyway, the semi-annual sale is on at Disney Shopping, and maybe there’s something there that’s too cute for you to resist. Because it’s so cheap, and all.
Coupon code SHIPFIVE will work for $5 flat rate shipping on any size order through June 8th, 2008, too.
I don’t really care for character clothing either (feel like I should just put a sandwich board on my kid if I want them to advertise for people) but I do like the pj pals at Disney. Sometimes (not now), they get down to about $3-6 a pair depending on how unpopular the character is. Since I have a rule about spending more than $10 on pj’s (which is exactly how much they cost now), I like them.
Hey- now you’ll come up if anyone googles Disney + heroin!
You steered me toward Disney costumes on clearance last year. My toddler gal got a fairy costume– she could care less which fairy it was. Of course, that led to an obsession with all things Fairy all this year, and Tinkerbell has now become an idol in my home.
Thanks a lot, Disney-pusher.
(Just kidding. The costume was adorable and dirt cheap. My new son’s going as a $7.99 Eeyore this year, so obviously I haven’t changed my ways. And who can escape Disney entirely in this country, anyway?)