Stay cool

By Mir
June 16, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

In the market for a fan or two? Today all fans at Linens ‘N’ Thingsicon are shipping for free, and you can use coupon code 26620000008 to take 20% off one item.

True story: Long ago and far away, as a wee teenaged lass I worked in a department store when the Vornado fans were first introduced. We used to set one up on display with a beach ball suspended in the current, and people were positively mystified by them. To this day I still own a Vornado, partly because they really are like their tagline (“The ceiling fan on the floor”), and partly because how could you not love a fan that can suspend a beach ball in its vortex?

1 Comment

  1. Ok, this is great timing b/c I’ve been needing a fan for my office at school, which is stifling and sticky. I am at once intrigued and slightly frightened by the Vornado’s description of the “high velocity Vortex Beam of Air.” If I end up getting pulled into another dimension, and am never seen again, you’ll have to report the cause to the authorities.

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