There’s one set of concertos that even people who claim not to like classical music almost always love, and that’s The Four Seasons by Vivaldi. It remains one of my very favorites, years after my inadequate attempts to play bits of it on my cello. (Yeah, I was that kid. And then? This one time? At band orchestra camp?)
Today you can download the entire album of Itzhak Perlman and the London Philharmonic Orchestra doing The Four Seasons for just $4.99. This isn’t just a great value, this is your chance to put something on your iPod that goes with nearly every occasion. And isn’t there some research out there that says listening to classical music makes kids smarter? I think there is.
I’m pretty sure that someone told me that at orchestra camp.
Thanks, Mir! 13 gave up the violin this year…so sad. I’m a fool for the strings.
Love it! Thanks!
I’m reading your blog during a humanities class (um, I mean, I’m paying very strict and studious attention to the lecture), and the professor just mentioned this very piece. It’s fate, I have to buy it! Thanks!