Reminder: HomeHero contest

By Mir
June 18, 2008
Category Contests

Don’t forget—you have until just before midnight tonight to enter the contest to win a pair of HomeHero fire safety items. You need a fire extinguisher and a smoke/carbon monoxide detector, anyway, so why not win ’em here?

Also, those of you who’ve fallen victim to my infrequent trips to the Post Office (I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Prizes going out soon!) will be pleased to know that Home Depot is handling the mailing of this one, too. Get your entries in!


  1. Count us in 🙂

  2. I do, I do need these. I keep thinking about how much I need the CO detector!

  3. Since I cause fires almost nightly (known as grilling in most homes except mine) these will suit us just fine here at Chez Well Done Only!

  4. I just love looking at how many people miss the whole thing where you have to enter on the contest post, not the reminder post. (HINT, HINT anyone thinking of commenting after me!)


  5. need it need it, need it!

  6. I do need these!

  7. @ Burgh Baby–LMAO. I would blame it on not being able to read, but that would make my head blow up 🙂 I too, get a kick out of this

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