Sorry for the slow morning here, folks. I had to take my youngest to the doctor, and I’m still getting used to that “southern hospitality” at doctors’ offices here where your appointment time is more of a recommendation than an actual schedule. But I’m sure that telling us to come for 9:30 and not seeing us until 10:45 totally meant we were getting the very best care possible. Um. Bless their hearts.
Anyway! Now that we’ve escaped we’re home again, I see that they’re having a big Summer sale at BabyCenter right now, which could come in handy if you want some clearance babies. Er, I mean, if you need some baby gear. And if you spend $49+, you can use coupon code FREESHIP49 to—you guessed it—get free shipping.
It’s too bad they’re out of babies, though.
I think you can now officially be called a southerner now. You know, because you used Bless their hearts correctly. I’m presuming that you can spell and use y’all too, of course. That would be a deal breaker.
Hold up, y’all — this is a Southern thing? You mean there are places where a 9:30 appointment actually means 9:30? I just though all doctors were perpetually late. Who knew?
Yankee doctors are notorious for letting people sit in the waiting room until their symptoms clear themselves up. Then they charge you $120 for an “office visit”.
Yeah I’m wondering too, what doctors have you been seeing where an appointment time actually meant something? I didn’t know that existed.
don’t you love that if YOU are 15 min. late they won’t take you, but will still charge your co-pay, but they can have YOU wait an hour….how ’bout they give US our co-pay BACK then!
Babies!!! Perfect timing, Mir. Just pricing cribs and changing tables and everything. Cuz, you know, twins. Big twins.
I don’t think I’m ready for ordering baby STUFF yet. Apparently, though, I ordered a BABY without realizing it. Fortunately, we have until January to get some stuff together. 😛
let me guess, you go to Children’s Medical? 🙂
I hate that.
but luckily, i’m not in the market for babies. since they are out and all.
I wonder, what exactly a “clearance baby” would look like!