You know that usually I post the Friday Sale and go on my merry way for the day, but I had to come back and let you know about two more deals that are good for today only.
First, many of you emailed me about Free Slurpee Day, which is—of course—today, 7/11. You could go stop in at your local 7-11 for one after you get your free food at Chick-fil-A, maybe. Heh.
Second, Tessa emailed to let me know that today only you can take 40% off anything at the Spanx Store by using coupon SPANX98. Free shipping, too.
And after Chick-fil-A and a Slurpee, many of us are going to need some Spanx, so see how nicely that works out…?
I never see Spanx coupons!!
I saw people dressed like cows on the Early Show today! My “cow” vest is winter attire. Good thing I don’t have Chik-Fil-A around here.
FYI- the Spanx site is case sensitive… do not use the CAPS and the promo code works great!
For the record, I went to CFA with my spots on AND thankfully I wasn’t the only one. Even if I were, I still would have worn my spots proudly. I have no shame and I love to eet mor chikin. (I arrived when there were several daycare kids in cow attires. Oh my lands… it was worth going just to see them! Cute, cute, cute.)
Thanx for that!
Thanx for the spanx! I’ve wanted some for a very long time, but couldn’t swallow the price. 40% off and free shipping did the trick.
I couldn’t get the spanx code to work until I did it in lowercase AND put a space between spanx and 98. But then it worked great.
I’m so glad that I checked back! I’ve been dying to get a nice new bra, and would not have even considered a Spanx bra without the coupon. Now if it lives up to the hype, I’ll be really happy!
Thanks Mir!
Thanks so much. I’ve been shopping for a wedding I’m going to be in and had gone this week to buy Spanx or something similar but then put it off. The Spanx code is just what I needed and just when I needed it. Thanks so much!!!
My 7-11 didn’t honor the promo, although we obviously weren’t the first ones in asking about it.
I tried the Spanx code at 12:32 AM and got a “your discount code has expired” message…I am SO bummed!
I’m with Grace..I got to the Spanx site couple minutes after you and mine had expired too. I really could have used that stuff…
sniff sniff
Oh man, checking in late after a busy Friday. Wish I hadn’t missed the Spanx coupon… PLEASE post if this ever comes again!!