228 of you entered for a chance to win 1 of 2 copies of Samara O’Shea’s Note to Self, this weekend, and the bad news is that I only have 2 copies to give away.
But the good news is that the lovely Super Blond Girl has offered up a copy of the book as well, which means we have three winners in all. Yay! And thanks, Super Blond Girl! You are looking Super Pretty, today!
The random number generator says the winners are: JB (commenter 113), Carolyn (commenter 8), and Christina (commenter 92). Congratulations to the three of you, and please check your email if you haven’t already!
Many thanks to Harper Collins and Super Blond Girl for donating the books, and to everyone who played.
New contest coming up later tonight! I don’t want to give it away, but this next one involves a very useful engine. Just sayin’.
Oh, my baby loved that very useful engine when she was two, but it has become passe for her now. 🙂
Congrats winners!
You’re very welcome! Now I really, really need to read the book, since it’s just been sitting on my shelf for a couple weeks, waiting for me to remember the poor thing.