Almost as good as bacon

By Mir
July 28, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

In the grand ranking scheme of goodness in life, my family often rates things relative to bacon or chocolate, to communicate exactly how wonderful they are. I’d say the following isn’t quite as good as chocolate, but it’s almost as good as bacon: Right now Target has a coupon available for $5 off of $50. This is especially handy because many store areas are offering free shipping on $50+ worth of items.

So, use coupon code TCSXCA3B to pick up school uniforms or dorm supplies or whatever it is you need, and not only will you save $5 off of your $50+ order, it’ll ship for free (look for the stuff that says free shipping over $50) and you won’t have to spend $100/gallon on gas to get to the store.

Actually, maybe this is better than bacon—no calories!


  1. I wish that coupon was good in stores. I need some new jeans for my 12 yo boy and Target’s jeans are on sale currently. However, their sizing is often erratic – it usually takes trying on at least 3 pairs to find one that fit (and another 3-4 pair to find another the same size as the first) – all in the exact same size/color/style!

  2. Yes, that IS a good deal. But then what will I do on the weekend when I need to either kill time by running errands, or, kill the kiddos for fighting over the same toy for the 100th millionth time?

Bargain Hunt





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