It’s like a sign

By Mir
August 3, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

(An aside: Thanks for the kind words and well-wishes. My mother-in-law is still in the ICU but improving a little.)

So there comes a point when you’ve done all of the sitting around and worrying you can possibly stand, and then you realize that really, you need to get back to doing some work. And then you go poke around and you find that Amazon has the reconditioned KitchenAid Artisan stand mixer available for $137.69 with free shipping.

And you realize that that right there is a sign. It’s a sign that yes, trying to get back to work is a good idea, and possibly even a sign that everything is going to be okay.

But mostly it is a sign that I need to go make some cookies. Um, to comfort my husband. Yeah, that’s it….


  1. Baking cookies always makes me feel better. Hugs to all of you.

  2. Darn! It’s back up to $175.99 now!

  3. Kari – Check again! It’s back down!

    Mir – Glad to hear that there is at least a little improvement. Cookies help. They really do. 🙂

  4. I’m picturing myself as a sexy june cleaver with that mixer
    which is bad because i don’t have the money for it right now

    someone want ot buy me a mixer??

  5. I’m so glad there is some improvement! Continuing to pray for your family.

  6. Good to hear she’s doing a little better! Prayers and well-wishes to you and yours.

    And yes, cookies help. Especially chocolate chip cookies.

  7. Cookies are suitable for any situation.

  8. cookies are always called for! continuing to keep you guys in my thoughts.

  9. Hope your Mother-in-law continues to improve! Praying for you and your family!

  10. Baking cookies sounds like a good idea for a lot of reasons: something productive to do to keep your hands and mind occupied, a sign to the kids that normal life goes on, sugar is comforting… 🙂

    Still praying here for all of you, especially your MIL.

  11. Welcome back, Mir. We missed you.

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