Winner of the WW coupons contest

By Mir
September 8, 2008
Category Contests

Apparently quite a few of y’all like those Weight Watchers desserts. That’s great news, because it leaves more full-fat cake and cookies at the store for me. (Oh, I kid. Everyone knows that to neutralize the calories, you have to bake it yourself.)

176 of you managed to enter the contest before the super-quick deadline, and today’s lucky winner is commenter 33, Lindsay. Congratulations, Lindsay! Please check your email, because I have three coupons for you but my psychic abilities are on the fritz and I need your address.

Big thanks to everyone who played, and to my pals at MS&L for donating the coupons.

Missed this one? No worries! Another great contest is coming up later, with an even bigger prize. Pinky swear!


  1. A large, full-calorie prize? 😉

  2. It’s a proven scientific fact that if you break full fat goodies into pieces that all the calories and like all leak out. Don’t believe me? Just ask any scientist.

Bargain Hunt





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