LL Bean’s Thursday Morning Markdown today is this herringbone peacoat, down from $179 to just $49. So cute! I’d buy one, maybe, except I live in Georgia, so I’d get to wear it maybe twice in January and that’s it. Ship your order for free with coupon code 3004296, and remember that it needs to go in the “Promotions” box (not the coupon box).
Sometimes I miss cute Winter clothing. And then I remember that being cold is yucky, and I feel better.
Very very cute. My sister wears one like this all winter long… up in Wisconsin. But I’m in Alabama, so I should probably pass, too. Very tempting, though.
It’s probably a bad thing that I read that as, “Timeless percocet, timely price” and wondered when you started sending out deals on prescriptions.
Clearly my back pain is worse than I thought……. 🙂
Also – as someone from Minnesota – being cold is hardly yucky. 🙂
This is very cute. I too live in Georgia (Metro Atlanta) but I think for this price we could make it work.
Cute coat, fabulous deal! Thanks!
I live in Florida, but we visit family over the holidays. It is imperative that I be cute and fashionable.
That sounds like a good reason for a peacoat, doesn’t it?
I hope so! I just spent my “fun” money for September on it! 🙂
I desperately needed a coat – I could kiss you for this.
I am really excited! This marks the beginning of my Christmas shopping and I got two grandmothers $368 worth of winter coats for $98 shipped. What else could I have bought them for $49 at Christmas? A gift certificate for a haircut (done to death), a whole lot of ceramic cats (please don’t make me)? This just saved me many MANY hours of thinking on two of the hardest people to buy for (who I want to have the most). Thank you!
Oh you are SO pretty. I needed a coat of this weight and I leeeerve pea-coats (and herringbone. And oh-so-pretty-prices). The free shipping was the chocolate-dipped cherry on top.
Nooooo….in checking if it was “within fun money left” they sold out of my size…booo
Boo hoo, all they have left is pre-baby sizes (4 and 8). Not sizes that most women wear.
Mir, you are soooo pretty! Two days in a row now you’ve found great deals on things that I “need.” (And I was quick enough to get it in my size. Yay me!)
Ya’ll check back later today at LL Bean. I got sweaters there on the Thursday Morning Markdown a few weeks ago, and they sold out of larger sizes in the morning but restocked (?) in the afternoon. So don’t lose hope; your size could reappear.
They restocked the sizes!
Carolyn and Kim are my new best friends…yea…a new stylish winter coat!! thanx Mir
score! Anticipating my first winter in a place that actually has winter 🙂 Thanks Mir!
I so desperately needed outerwear for this season! Thanks to you (and amazing L.L.Bean deals) I have both a new jacket and a heavier coat for about $75 total. I feel like I won at the internets this week.
Ugh, I can’t believe I missed this!