Does the man in your life need a new suit? Take this simple test to find out!
He may need a new suit if:
1) He doesn’t own a suit.
2) The last time he bought one, it was cool to wear it with white loafers.
3) You can see through the elbows of the one he’s wearing now.
4) He says this one fits fine “as long as I don’t button it.”
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, you may want to check out the 2-day suit sale at Jos. A. Bank. Every single suit is 60% off! It’s a fine time to get a great bargain on a quality suit.
Just, please, don’t let him wear it with white shoes.
What about if 5)His current suit is a)navy blue and b)was bought when he was in high school and he graduated 15 years ago?