When my oldest was little, we play Chutes and Ladders and Candyland, and pretty much all she learned was that board games are supposed to go on indefinitely, until Mama’s head explodes. Fun!
Thankfully, now there are lots of other options for games your preschooler can play, and one of the new popular game lines is Noodleboro by Playskool. These are games designed to be fun for little ones, yes, but also to teach them valuable things other than that sometimes Mama’s eyes start to glaze over.
Right now at Amazon, several Noodleboro games are marked way down:
Noodleboro Pizza Palace Listening Game is just $9.99 (50% off),
Noodleboro Picnic Basket Manners Game is also $9.99 (50% off),
And the Noodleboro Fun Park Sharing Game is only $9.62 (62% off).
All are free shipping eligible and all qualify for the $25+ worth of toys getting you two free years of Cookie magazine (which is then redeemable for a $15 rebate, if you’d rather).
Check ’em out. Because the road to hell is paved with Candyland, people. I’m just trying to help.
Mir, I hate to break it to you, but your fans are geeks. All of the Noodleboro games’ “customers who viewed this also viewed…” were Star Wars games and toys 🙂
I don’t see the Cookie magazine promotion anywhere when I went to checkout for these 3 games. Are you supposed to be able to get $15 off your order if you don’t want the subscription? Please help!!
thank you! I have been wanting to buy these games for some time, and now I have finally gotten started on my christmas shopping, thanks to this post.
Alicia – I recently ordered from Amazon and the Cookie promotion was emailed to me afterwards…
Thank you! I love hearing about these great deals that would be good both for my kids and for the gift closet!
It has always been my opinion that the number one reason people have a second child is so someone else can play CandyLand with the first one!
Haha on the Candyland! SOOOO true. Whenever we play as a family my kids keep landing on the dreaded Gingerbread man or stinkin’ Candy Cane and get sent ALLLL the way back to the beginning. If I’m in charge, I rig it and the game ends in a reasonable length of time. Hubby gets all ETHICAL about it. Sheesh.