… you might be interested to know that Amazon is also offering the classic controller (looks like the old-style video controller, vs. the wiimote) for $16.96 today. That’s only 15% off, but it’s never on sale, so that’s something.
Those will less coordination and/or little hands may find the classic controller easier to manage for some games. Or maybe my children are just sore losers who hope that declaring the wiimote is “too hard” will cause me to throw a game.
As if.
So, for the Grandma’s amongst us, is this something we might want two of? Will you tell us when the Wii-fit goes on sale? (You know we love you and you’re very attractive!)
Oops! No disrespect intended to those tech savvy grandparents. I may be the only backwoods-doesn’t-own-a-tv disconnected grandma left?
I would love to know if people prefer this over the wiimote. Santa MIGHT be bringing one but with our 5 kids we need more then 1 controller.
not sure what is with your kids. i find the wii-mote so much easier to use than any other controller. any more than two buttons and an arrow key really messes me up. now if they had old style nintendo controls (jump, shoot, arrow, that is all folks!) I’d get that.
and yes, you probably want two so the kids (and Grammas) can play each other