Me, I’m not a car-cleaning kind of person. I wait until I’m having trouble finding the car through the mud or whatever, and then I drive through a car wash. And I clean the inside of the car once every few years whether it needs it or not. What?
My husband, however, cares for his vehicles with a tender attention that borders on reverence. Which is why I think something like this Meguiar’s Quik Care Auto Detailing Kit is the sort of gift he’d really appreciate, even though it sort of makes me snore. At $9.99 (and free shipping eligible), it might be the right gift for a whole bunch of hard-to-buy-for men on my list, actually. (Check out some of the Meguiar’s products on sale if you have car guys on your list.)
And if I wrap it up really pretty, maybe he’ll clean my car, too.
Problem around these parts is….hubby and I BOTH treat cars the way you do pretty Mir.
I’m with you. Washing my car (inside or out) seems like a pointless task. Especially in the winter in Ohio. 🙂
PS There’s a Woot-Off today!
Oooh! Merry Xmas to me! I vacuum & detail (dust) my car every Saturday and now that here in NY we’ve hit freezing temps, I can’t drag my ‘Mr Dyson’ outside to clean’r up!
Its slowly killing me. yep.
three christmas presents taken care of.
awesome. Got something for the hard-to-buy FIL. Keep ’em coming!! 🙂
What a great idea! Only it is no longer $9.99. 🙁
I like to think that once the FIRST layer of dirt has formed on the car, it protects the paint surface from all the new dirt and grit and salt that gets on there.