Just add wine

By Mir
November 20, 2008
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Oh, Amazon’s getting into this whole “countdown to Black Friday” thing, and it’s really starting to tempt me, here. Today’s deal is that you can get 2 Frontman wireless guitars for just $20 when you buy them with either Guitar Hero 3 or Guitar Hero Aerosmith for the Wii. (Guitar Hero 3 is already 30% off, too!)

I’ve only played Guitar Hero once, but I immediately understood the draw, once I’d tried it. Of course, we were in a roomful of people all drinking wine and making fun of each other, so the details are a little fuzzy. I just remember laughing really hard, right up until I was booed off the stage by that mean audience on the Wii. There at the party, no one booed. Though they did keep laughing.

Wait; tell me again why I think I want this…?


  1. thank you, the guitar hero bundle was the primary reason I was going out on black friday. Now I have it cheaper from the comfort of my own home and an extra guitar!

  2. OMG you are hilarious Mir. that so could’ve been me.

  3. Well, you helped me out with another great deal today!! You are the bestest & the prettiest!!

  4. Gracias.

  5. Just wanted to say–I don’t have a Wii, but I’m a graduate student in media & cultural studies. Our department is full of folks who are major gamers. So I emailed our group email (current and former grad students & faculty) list with this deal earlier today, even though that’s not really a completely customary use of the list.

    Anyway–I’ve already gotten one, “THANK YOU SO MUCH!” email back. 🙂 So I thought I’d pass it along–thanks, Mir, from all the telecommies (that’s the cutesy name for our list).

  6. Hmm, for some reason each guitar is showing as $20. I thought it was a two-fer.

  7. Ahaha, Erin – I was just skimming to the bottom of these comments and saw “telecommies” and thought, oh! Someone else from the dept reads Mir!!

    Uh, yeah – the person who told me about Mir in the first place 🙂

  8. duh, nevermind. Read the fine print Rachel. It’s too late for me to be spending money tonight. LOL.

  9. Ha! Hi Rebecca! I was wondering if you’d catch that. 🙂

Bargain Hunt





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