This summer we put down a wood floor in our family room, and I was delighted. I felt a little silly putting a rug over part of it, at the time, but now that the weather is cooling off, I’m very glad not to have that shock of stepping on cold wood each time I get off the couch.
I bought our rug the last time this sale was on, and can wholeheartedly recommend it: The Home Decorators Outlet Rug Sale is always a great way to get bargain-basement deals on some really nice rugs, but this time, they’ve thrown in free shipping, to boot. Don’t be afraid of the too-good-to-be-true prices, either—this is quality stuff. My rug is hand-tufted wool and still shedding months later because it’s soooo thick. I would’ve paid a lot more for it, but thankfully I didn’t have to.
Check ’em out if you’re in the market for a rug. (Alternatively, you could buy some slippers, I guess. But this is more fun.)
I am seriously addicted to Home Decorator’s rugs. I have them on every floor of my house.
Not sure if I should thank you or not, since now I’ll be sucked in for a few hours. We just found a place to rent with all hardwood floors, so of course we need rugs.