No, no! I don’t mean you should leave! I meant if you’re looking for the series Lost, just in case you—like me—somehow never started watching it, and then it was all anybody ever talked about, and you started thinking, “Hey, maybe I’d like to watch that,” but then you realized there was no way you could just jump in and start watching it from the middle, and so you gave up and resigned yourself to life as a social outcast.
If that sounds familiar, check out today’s Gold Box Deal at Amazon—seasons 1-3 of Lost, for $58.99 (67% off)!
That’s 21 discs worth of finding out what the heck everyone’s talking about. It probably won’t make me cool, but it might make me a wee bit less tragically unhip. Close enough.
But see, I actually want to get lost, not Lost.
Where’s the tropical vacation for 67% off pretty Mir?
The sad thing is, that even if you watch Seasons 1-3 back to back — you will still not fully understand what is going on, so strange is this show. (And I’m addicted.)
And for exile: Tropical vacations are incredible cheap right now — Most travel (except the airlines, go figure) are dropping prices — so if you happen to have a bit of cash, now is the time to book the all-inclusive or cruise vacation of your dreams.
Mir, thanks for the info! We’re huge “Lost” fans, so this is great! Missed a few episodes so this will help me catch up before the new season begins.
I agree with Patricia – if you’re able to book a vacation, now is the time to go. We got a fabulous last minute cruise deal on a brand new ship. It was totally worth pulling my daughter out of school for it(saved over $6K for the same cruise during school break!). We head out for the cruise this weekend…can’t wait to escape the snow and cold!
We’ve been watching LOST from the beginning, and still don’t know all of what’s going on. Even when we watch the re-runs on CW (what used to be the WB) we still see things we missed the first time around, and make new mental connections, as in “Oh, so that’s why!” Also, you can check out the website for more info, like how the characters are connected. There’s another site, called and they have discussions on possible outcomes, things others might have missed, screen captures, etc.
Why, yes, I am a LOST addict….
No, I don’t need a 12 step program.
Sweet. Been looking to buy past seasons to watch then sell on Ebay so I can get caught up. This is PERFECT. Thanks, Mir!