Do you have trouble getting up in the morning? Do you need that perfect under-$10 gift for a gift exchange? Do you enjoy being passive-aggressive?
Look no further than the flying alarm clock for $9.99 shipped (at for all of these needs. When the alarm goes off, the top flies away—and the alarm won’t stop until you find it and put it back.
What a dreadful device.
I can’t wait to give it to several people I know….
My, aren’t we up and productive early this morning? 😉
Oh that is just an evil product. Of course, I’m only saying that because I really need it (I’m the queen of the snooze button). But please don’t send it to me. 🙂
Now there is a re-gift if I ever got one. I am not one to stumble around with bleary eyes searching for that thing. The alarm would be smashed to bits before the helicopter was found. I am NOT a morning person.
Cruel, they’re cruel. I’m going to go get 4 for people I love, yeah love that’s it…
that’s equally evil as this one that my hubby and I have been giggling over recently
Oh, this is tailor made for the 15 yr old who has his hand attached to the snooze button and then complains “Why didn’t you get me up???”
For the college kid, definitely.
this made me laugh out loud!
I have a small gift exchange w/family in a few weeks w/several college age cousins and this is perfect!
@gretchen: Oh, the Clocky alarm clock is great! Developed by a group of MIT students… I saw a documentary on it one time, and it’s just hysterical. It’s designed to roll off your table and hide somewhere so you have to go hunting for it. I’ve seen them covered in fake fur, too!
The flying clock? I’d break in under a week.
We have a “Goofy Grab Bag” with my in-laws and I just bought this last Friday from Christmas Tree Shop (also for $9.99). Me & my husband can’t wait to see who gets blessed with our great grab bag gift. Luckily, we’re not allowed to take it home with us, the rule is if you bought it you can’t leave with it (I have a feeling this rule will be re-thought after this year) LOL!!